Chapter 17: Talking To Colby and Making Jon Blush

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up in Jon's arms and smiled at the memory of the party last night. Especially when Jon and I kissed under the mistletoe. It felt magical. I looked at Jon sleeping; he was breathing slowly and he looked so peaceful. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and kissed his lips until he woke up. 

"If you could wake me up everyday like that, my day would turn out great." he said as I smiled. 

I giggled and tried to get out of bed but Jon held onto my waist. 

"No, stay with me, please." he said with puppy dog eyes. 

"How could I say no to that face?" I said, pulling the covers over us. 

We were talking about random stuff until we got to the topic of the Christmas party last night. 

"Don't you think Colby and Renee look great together?" I asked. 

"Yeah they do. I wonder when he's gonna ask her out?" Jon said. 

Then Jon's phone rang. He groaned and left it ringing. 

"Jon, pick up the phone." I said, giggling. 

"No, I wanna cuddle with you all day." he said, whining. 

"It could be important." I said. 

He moaned and picked up his phone from the bedside table. He looked at the caller I.D and it said 'Colby'. 

"He better have a good reason for calling." Jon said as he answered the call and put it on speaker. 

"What do you want two-toned? I was cuddling with my baby." he said. 

"Hello to you to Jon." said Colby, laughing. 

"Hi Colbs." I said. 

"Hi Zoe. Sorry to interrupt your cuddling session." he said. 

"It's alright, don't worry." I said. 

"Anyways, what do you want Rollins?" Jon said. 

"Um.....well....yesterday at the Christmas party, I had a really good time with Renee and I really want to ask her out." he said. 

I squealed in delight. Renee is gonna be so happy. 

"Oh my god. Finally Colby." I said. "Did you guys kiss?" 

"No, we didn't but I guess that's okay. I don't want anything to be awkward between us." he said. 

"True." Jon said. "So when are you planning on doing it?" 

"I was hoping today. I feel good today and I'm hoping she will agree." Colby said. 

"Obviously, do you have any idea how much she likes you?" I said. 

"Really?" Colby asked, excitement in his voice. "She actually likes me?"

"Yeah, why else would she wear your Christmas jumper?" asked Jon. 

"And she talks about you all the time." I said. 

There was silence on the other side. I knew what Colby was doing. 

"Colbs, are you blushing?" I asked smirking. 

"Whaaaaat? No." he said. Obviously, he was lying. "Guys don't blush." 

"Yeah they do." I said. "I make Jon blush all the time." 

"What? No. If anything, I make you blush." Jon said, pinching my cheek. 

"You are such a hot and sexy hunk of a man." I said. 

Jon's face went bright red. 

"See." I said. 

"Is he blushing?" asked Colby. 

"Yeah." I said. 

"I'm not blushing.'s just very hot in here." he said. 

"Yeah, because you're in here." I said, causing his face to go even redder. 

I could hear Colby laughing on the other side. 

"But seriously, you should ask Renee out. She is really sweet and she really likes you." I said. 

"Yeah, I'll ask her today." he said. "I'm so excited." 

"Good, now hang up and ask her out. I wanna cuddle with my girlfriend." Jon said, cuddling his face into my neck. 

"Okay, I'll talk to you guys later. Have fun cuddling." he said.

"Bye Colbs." me and Jon both said before hanging up. 

"He's so cute." I said, stroking Jon's hair. 

"What about me?" Jon asked with a pout. 

"You know you're cuter." I said. 

"I prefer sexy but I am pretty cute and adorable when I want to be." he said.  

"That you are." I said, chuckling. 

"You smell like flowers." Jon said randomly. "Like roses or jasmine." 

"Is that a good thing?" I asked, cuddling into him. 

"Yeah, it makes you even more beautiful. " he said, staring into my eyes. 

I smiled and we both leant in for a kiss. I was so lucky to have a man like Jon in my life. 

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