Chapter 47: The Reason Behind His Smile

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2 weeks later......

Jon's POV:

I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I put the weights down. I had been training and working out for two weeks straight with Joe and Colby. I've been itching to get back in the ring. I've always kept my US title close to me to motivate push myself to keep working harder and I can tell that soon, it will all pay off. 

The Royal Rumble is two weeks away and nobody knows that I'm gonna return then. Not even Joe and Colby. Just me and Zoe, and Hunter and Stephanie, obviously. I want it to be a huge surprise. 

I decided to call it a day and head back to the hotel. When I got back, I was greeted by Zoe, who was getting her clothes and towel out.

"Hi Hun." she said, giving me a kiss. 

"Hey." I said. 

"How was training?" she asked. 

I hadn't really gotten to spend much time with Zoe as I pretty much spent all my time at the gym working out and I felt kinda guilty, leaving her all alone.

"Okay, I just really want to get back in that ring. I don't know if I'll be able to stay away for another two weeks." I said. 

"I know you can do it." she said. 

She got up and went towards the cupboard. She picked something up and walked back to me. She was holding my title. 

"You'll do it for the fans, for Hunter and Stephanie, for the boys, for April and Renee and for your title." she smiled. 

"Don't forget you too." I said. 

She smiled and I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her neck. 

"Sorry, I got you all sweaty." I said, pulling away. 

"It's fine, I was gonna shower anyways." she said. 

"Well, you were about to shower and I was about to shower too." I said smirking. 

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling. 

"Come on then." she said, grabbing my hand as we headed to the bathroom. 


Third Person:

Zoe and Jon both striped their clothes off and jumped into the shower. Damn, was Jon a sight to behold...especially when his lean, 6'3" frame was standing in front of her naked. She stepped backwards to allow the shower head to spray him with droplets of water that did nothing but accentuate his strong shoulders and glistened off his arms and trickled down his chest.

Zoe tried not to watch the droplets that were traveling via his chest...because then her eyes would be drawn down to his penis. It's the type of dick you want to conquer with your mouth...and your pussy. 

A splash of water hit Zoe's face and she was shaken out of her reverie.

"What are you daydreaming about there, princess? It better not be about another man." Jon laughed. He knew that she had eyes only for him.

"And what if I was?" she retorted back as she 'tried' to tickle him. Jon declared that he is not ticklish...even when he clearly squirmed every time her fingers tickled his sides.

"Stop, I told you I'm not ticklish." Jon says...of course all the while trying to fight back laughter and squirming like a worm from side to side. He then easily picked up her 4'10" frame and placed her against the shower wall, as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He showered her face and neck with little pecks as she giggled with delight and tried to not get water into her eyes.

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