Chapter 42: I Didn't Wait

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Jon's POV:

Today was the day. I can finally leave. I had my bag packed and left the hospital with Zoe. We went back to the hotel and I threw my bag on the floor, jumping onto the bed. 

"I am so tired." I said, my face in a pillow. 

"Go to sleep for a while. I need to pop out and buy some things anyway." Zoe said. 

"Okay." I said, falling asleep.


2 Hours Later.....

I woke up to the smell of Chicken Pot Pie. My favorite. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where I saw Zoe taking the pie out of the oven. I walked towards her as she put the pie on the counter. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her cheek. 

"Someone finally decided to wake up then." Zoe said, chuckling as she turned around to face me. 

"Well, if it's chicken pot pie then I would have to wake up." I said. 

"Well, I'm glad you are up. The pie is ready and the brownies are almost done." Zoe said. 

"Brownies too? Are you spoiling me?" I asked. 

"Maybe." Zoe said. 

"So, is it just us two or is everyone else joining us too?" I asked. 

"Well, everyone is at work so it's just us." Zoe replied. 

"Perfect." I said. 


Zoe and I set the table and each took a piece of pie with some fries.

"Wow, this is amazing." I said as I took a bite. 

"Thanks, my mom taught me." Zoe said. 

I sat wondering what would've happened if I died. That's the one thing that wouldn't leave my mind. 

"Jon, what's wrong?" Zoe asked. 

"I just.....I don't know what would be happening if I died. When I woke up, the one thing that was going through my mind was if I did die, would you have forgotten me and moved on with someone else?" I said. 

"Jon, I wouldn't have ever forgotten you. You're my first ever love. Nobody ever forgets their first love. And, if you did die and I happened to meet someone else, they wouldn't have meant as much to me as you do." Zoe said.  

"Thanks Zo." I said. 

We finished our pie and fries and sat down on the couch. 

"So, my little lunatic up for some brownies?" Zoe asked. 

"Yeah, I love my brownies." I said. 

Zoe got up and went to the kitchen. A few minutes later, she came back with a plate full of brownies. She set the plate on the table and sat down, her legs on my lap. We both grabbed a brownie each. 

"Open wide." Zoe said. 

I smiled and opened my mouth and she fed me some brownie. 

"Now, you open wide." I said. 

She opened her mouth and I shoved the entire brownie in her mouth, making her eyes widen. 

"Jonathan Good??!!" she exclaimed after swallowing the brownie. 

"What?" I asked innocently. 

"Oh, you are going to get it now." Zoe said, sitting on my lap. 

"So, you gonna punish me?" I asked smirking. 

"I'm gonna punish you, alright." Zoe said, smirking back. 

I cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a kiss. I missed kissing her so bad. I felt fireworks going off in my head. I waited for so long but it was all worth it in the end. We both kissed each other like our lives depended on it. I guess Zoe missed our kisses too. 

We both pulled away, breathless. 

"I wanna do it." Zoe said. 

"Are you sure Babe? Are you ready for that? Especially after what happened with Barrett and all." I said. 

"Yeah, I know that I won't regret it. And I missed you. I kinda need you more than I thought." Zoe said chuckling. 

"Well then, what are we waiting for?" I asked as I picked her up and carried her to our room. 


3 Hours Later.....

I woke up and saw Zoe naked next to me. So, it wasn't a dream. It actually happened. We had sex. I rolled onto my side and looked at Zoe. I felt so grateful to have her in my life. She helped me so much when I was recovering. I wanted to give her something back, to thank her for all the help and support. Something more than sex. Something that she would remember. 

I stroked her blonde strands of hair until she woke up. 

"Hey." I said softly. 

"Hey." she said, yawning. 

"How you feeling?" I asked. 

"A little sore but I'll get over it." she said, smiling. 

I smiled as I caressed her cheek, stroking it with my thumb.

"Thanks." she said. 

"For what?" I asked, confused. 

" For waiting for this long. I felt like I kept you waiting for so long because I wasn't ready before and usually, when girls aren't ready, they get dumped and-" Zoe started but I interrupted her. 

"Zo, you didn't keep me waiting. And it's not like I'm with you because I wanted to have sex with you. It's because I love you. I wanted you to be ready before we would have sex. I wanted you to be comfortable enough. Don't ever think that you kept me waiting because you didn't." I said. 

Zoe smiled as I continued to rub her cheek with my thumb. After a while, she fell asleep again. I lay on the bed wondering what I should do for Zoe to show how much I appreciate everything that she's done for me. Then I had an idea. 

I got out of bed and grabbed my shirt and some sweats. I grabbed Zoe's phone and looked for a specific number. I dialled the number on my phone and waited for them to pick up. 

"Hello." the person said. 

"Hi, I wanted to ask you guys something." I said.

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