Chapter 60: Jon's Surprise

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Zoe's POV:

Today was the day. It was the biggest pay-per-view of the year. Wrestlemania. Everyone was super excited. Jon was excited but really nervous too. He was going to have his championship match against the current champion, CM Punk. My surprise was also going to be shown today and I knew Jon would love it. 

"What if I lose this match?? I've worked so hard to lose."


"If I lose this match, I don't know what I'll do."


"I'm freaking out. Oh my god. I have never been so nervous in my life. I-"

I cupped his face, giving him a kiss, instantly calming him down. 

"Relax, instead of thinking about the negatives, think about the positives. Imagine how proud you'll be of yourself when you raise that title high in the middle of that ring. Imagine how proud your fans will be, your brothers, your friends and me."

"Thanks Zo. I'm just nervous. This is my first world championship match. I just don't want to make a stupid mistake that could easily be avoided and cost me the match."

"Don't be nervous. And if you still feel like you're not going to do it, think about your mom. Think about how proud she would be seeing her son as the World Heavyweight Champion."

"She always did see me as her champion." he said, chuckling slightly. 

"That's the spirit. Now, your match isn't until the main event. How about we go and get something to eat??"

"Okay." he smiled, grabbing my hand as we both left for catering.



Jon and I were staring at the monitor, watching Joe and Colby's tag team title match against the Ascension. It was a very intense match. Fortunately, they won their match and when they came backstage, we didn't really give them a chance to breathe as we bombarded them with hugs. 

"We're so proud of you." I said. 

April and Renee turned up, congratulating them. 


Two Hours Later.....

It was now time for Jon's match and he looked nervous as hell. 

"Jon, remember what I told you." I said as we stood by the gorilla. 

"Think about how proud everyone will be. Especially my mom."

"Good. But remember to have fun."

I kissed him before his theme played and he walked out with Joe and Colby.


I went to catering to watch the match. The entire roster were in catering, their eyes glued to the monitor. Jon was doing good so far. I just hoped Jon would win this match. Then I could show him my surprise.

We all carried on watching and Jon was doing really well. Jon's surprise came up to me.

"I really think he'll win this."

"I know he will. I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees you go out there."

"I love what you're doing for him though. It really shows how much you love him."

"I really do. He deserves it. He's done so much for me. I have to do something for him. It's only right."

We both looked back at the monitor and saw Jon hit Punk with a Dirty Deeds. I felt a huge smile grow on my face as he went for the pin. 

"1! 2! 3!"

"Yes, yes yes!!" I cried as I jumped from my seat. 

"Go, go." I told Jon's surprise.

I looked back at the monitor and saw Colby and Joe giving Jon huge hugs. 


Jon's POV:

That's it. I won. All my hard work finally paid off. I could hear the WWE Universe cheering. Joe and Colby got in the ring, giving me hugs. Just as they pulled away, someone's theme played, a person's theme I never thought I would hear.

I looked towards the gorilla and saw........TERRY FUNK!!!! My favorite wrestler. But what was he doing here?? He got in the ring and went over to the ref. I was freaking out. I was in the same ring as the Terry Funk.

The ref was holding the title and Terry took the title from him. He turned around and came to me, handing me the title. I actually felt tears of joy run down my face. I couldn't stop myself from giving him a hug. Terry Funk was my idol. He was part of the reason I wanted to become a wrestler. I raised my title high as the crowd cheered.



When I got backstage, everyone congratulated me. I still couldn't believe I did it. Becoming the World Champion was my dream and I finally achieved it. I was scared I was dreaming. If it was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. 

"I'm so proud of you Jon." Zoe said as she gave me a kiss. 

"I...I never thought I would do it." I said. 

"Well you did. You were amazing out there." she said, wiping my tears of joy.

"I never expected Terry Funk to personally hand me the title."

"That was surprising." Zoe said. 

"For my victory tonight, I'm gonna treat you."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around??" she asked.

"I don't know but I don't care. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"Okay, anything for you, my little champ."

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