Chapter 34: Everything Is Over.....

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A/N: This chapter is sad. I repeat....SAD.

Zoe's POV:

"Zoe, you need to lighten up a bit." said April. "Jon's making improvements, you should be happy."

"How can I be happy April??!!! I'm the one who left him alone, and he did this to himself. I should have asked him what was going on but instead, I walked off!!" I cried.

"It wasn't your fault Zoe. I know that Jon has had a terrible past that he doesn't want to share. I know that you know what he went through. Maybe that's why he's in this condition." said April.

"What if......he doesn't want to wake up?" I asked.

"He will wake up. He will wake up....for you." she said.

"I guess." I sniffed.

April's POV:

I was really worried about Zoe. Since the accident, Zoe has lost so much weight. The only time she ate was when someone forced her.

I could tell Zoe was feeling sick. She hadn't left the room for three weeks and was getting a lack of vitamin D from the sun, causing her to have headaches and become dizzy.

"I'll go and get us some food." I said.

"Okay." she said.

We both ate our food and I had to leave for work.

Zoe's POV:

"Promise me you'll eat when we're not here." April said.

"I promise." I said, sighing.

I always kept my promises. I got some food later on and walked around for a bit. It felt great to stretch my body out a little.


One week later.....

Stephanie and Hunter made a 'Get well soon' video dedicated to Jon. They aired it at the start of RAW and let the audience know that Jon was very sick. They didn't want to tell them what happened because they thought it was too personal.

The crowd instantly showed their respects by chanting 'Get well Dean.' It melted my heart to see that. I loved that so many people cared.


1 hour later......

Stephanie and Hunter came to visit.

"How's he doing?" asked Hunter, sounding a little down.

"The same." I sighed.

"I'm sure he'll make improvements soon." said Stephanie.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "I just don't wanna be the one to make the decision."

Tears fell down my cheeks as I thought about Jon dying.

"What do you mean?" asked Hunter.

"I don't want to decide whether he dies or not. I.....I don't wanna kill him." I sobbed.

"Hey, shhh." Stephanie walked over and hugged me, trying to calm me down.

"Don't worry about it Zoe because you won't have to make that decision. Jon will be fine. I know our lunatic fringe. He's a fighter." Hunter said.

Just two weeks to go.......


Two weeks later.....

Things didn't improve much over the next two weeks. The doctors tried to take Jon off the ventilator another two times, but Jon would only breathe on his own for less than a minute, before needing assistance.

What happened next to Jon was now up to me and the idea of turning off the machine tortured my soul. It was the day. The day of the decision. Everyone looked at me.

"Turn.....turn it off." I managed to get out of me.

Everyone looked shocked.

"He'll......he'll in a better place. I......I don't want him to suffer anymore." I cried.

Me, Joe, Colby, April, Renee, Stephanie and Hunter all stood in Jon's room to be with him during his final minutes. I was sobbing and shaking as I held Jon's hand. The doctors looked very guilty as they were about to take someone's life.

The room was very tense and upsetting but soon, it would be peaceful. Doctor Mathews walked over to the side of Jon's bed put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you ready?" he asked quietly.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. I leaned down and placed a loving kiss on Jon's forehead.

"I'm so so sorry." I whispered in Jon's ear. "I love you so much. I always have and I always will. Dead or alive."

I wanted to be as close to Jon as possible. I kept hold of his hand and looked at his face. This will be the last time I will ever see his face again.

Doctor Mathews and two female nurses turned off the ventilator and untaped the attaching tube from Jon's mouth. The tube attached to the heart monitor however, was kept in place.

The heart monitor beeped at a steady pace for a few seconds. I counted to 32, before it became one loud beep. That's it.

Jon is dead.

I burst into a flood of tears and collapsed against the bed, holding his hand and giving it one last kiss. Everything was over for me, I couldn't take living without Jon.

Colby and Roman were letting out rivers from their eyes. They just lost their brother. Stephanie and Hunter were crying too. April and Renee sobbed and came up to me, hugging me tight as I continued to sob loudly.

My whole world had just collapsed. 

Everything is over........

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