Chapter 59: The Secret Love Between Colby and Renee ❤

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Zoe's POV:

My eyes widened. Did I just hear Colby correctly? What will happen to Renee?? She just admitted to me and April that she loves Colby. 

"I love everything about you. The minutes I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. I love your smile, your laugh, your hugs, everything. I always thought to myself that if I could take your smile and put it in my pocket, I would. I know it's taken me so long to admit it, but I've felt this way for a long time and I had to get it out of me." he said. 

My heart was pounding. I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. I kept pinching myself, hoping this was all a bad dream.

"What are you doing?" he asked. 

"Trying to wake myself up." I muttered. 

"Anyways, how was that?? Do you think it will impress Renee??" he asked, making me look at him.


"Yeah, I did tell you that I love her. I tried to think of some things to kind of back it up. I thought I should tell you, just to see if it was good enough or not." he said. 

I let out a breath of relief. "Oh, thank god."

"What?? You didn't actually think I just confessed to you, did you??" he chuckled. 

"Whaaaaaat???? No." I said, trying to sound convincing but failed. 

"Sure you didn't. Anyways, was that good enough??" 

"Well, it was good enough for me to actually think you loved me so I know Renee will know you mean it. It's really sweet that you care so much about her."

"Yeah, well, I just can't help myself." he blushed.

"You really scared me though. Don't ever do that again Ninja." I scolded. 

"Yes Mom." he laughed.

"Don't call me Mom. It makes me sound old." I chuckled. 

"Noted." he said as we both laughed. "The ceremony is going to start soon. We better take our seats."

I nodded and Colby left to sit with Renee whilst I went to sit with Jon. I sat down next to him and held his hand, making him look at me, smiling.

"Hey Hun." he said, giving me a peck. " I saw you talking to Colby. What were you talking about??"

"Oh, you have no idea." I chuckled. Jon looked at me, confused. 

"I'll explain later." I said. 


A Couple Hours Later.....

The Hotel

The ceremony was beautiful. You could tell how nervous but excited both Joe and April were. You could tell that they were meant to be. The reception was also lots of fun. Jon and I were in our hotel room and Jon kept asking me what Colby and I were talking about earlier. He was obviously curious as I kept saying 'you have no idea.'

"Come on babe, what did he say??" Jon whined. 

"Fine. He came up to me and all of a sudden said he loved me." I said, chuckling. 

"What??? Why are you laughing about that?? Imma kill that son of a bitch." Jon said, getting up. 

"Wait, listen to the whole thing first." I said, pulling him back down. "He said this whole speech and it was beautiful. I thought he was actually saying it to me but it turns out, it's what he wants to say it to Renee." 

"Thank god. You just saved his ass." Jon said.

"His ass wasn't going to get beaten up anyways." I laughed. 

"It would've if you hadn't told me the full thing." he said. 

We both laughed until we heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door to see Colby and Renee in their PJ's and a little bag each.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Do you guys mind if we stay here with you tonight??" Renee asked.

"Sure, is there something wrong with your room??" Jon asked.

"There's nothing wrong with our room. It's just that it's next to Joe and April's room and we got the sneaking suspicion that they're having their 'after wedding sex'. We could literally hear the banging on the wall and the moans." Colby shuddered.

"Come on in." I chuckled. 

"Just let us know if you guys are gonna have sex too." Colby said. "We can't deal with that."

"We're not planning on it." I said, smiling.

"Actually-" Jon started before I interrupted.

"No, we're not. We have to make sure Renee and Colby are comfortable, right?"

"Right." Jon said, pouting. 

"Good, now you guys get comfortable. We'll join you in a bit. We need to change." I said.

"Okay." they said. 

I grabbed Jon's hand and we both went into our bedroom to change. After we changed, we went back out and saw Colby and Renee talking. 


20 Minutes Later.....

Renee and I were on one bed, talking whilst Jon and Colby were on the other. 

"So, have you thought about when you're telling Colby??" I asked.

"I don't know yet. Like April said, I gotta wait for the right time." she said. "Is it like, really scary??"

"Don't tell Jon this, but when he said it to me, I already knew." I said.

"What?? How??" she asked. 

"He must have thought I was sleeping but I wasn't and he poured his heart out. I just thought that was so sweet. It made me less nervous to say it." 

"At least you knew. I don't know yet." she pouted. 

"I'm sure you'll know soon enough." I said. "By the way, he's staring at you again."

Renee turned around and looked at him. She blew him a kiss and Colby quickly turned away, his face turning a light shade of pink.


Jon's POV:

"You know, before you turned up, I was almost on my way to beat your ass up." I said. 


"Because I thought you confessed your love to my girl." I said. 

"Oh, right. I can't believe she actually fell for that though." he laughed. 

"Did you say Renee's name??" 

"" he said.

"You doofus, obviously she would have fallen for it if you didn't say anyone's name." I said, whacking his head. 

"Hey, hands off the hair please." he said, fixing his hair.

"So, are you planning on telling her??" I asked. 

"Yeah, I just need to know if she feels the same way." 

"I'm sure she does. I already know you do. You're always staring at her." 

I looked at him and shook my head when I saw him staring at Renee smiling, as she was talking to Zoe. Zoe said something to Renee making her turn around and look at Colby. She blew him a kiss and he quickly turned around. 

"Oooooohhhhh, someone's blushing." I teased. 

"No I'm not. Why is it suddenly really hot in here??" he asked, fanning his face. 

"Dude, she has you wrapped around her finger." I said.

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