Chapter 4: Come With Us

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Zoe's POV:

The next day, I woke up to knocking on the front door. I got out of bed and opened the door to see Jon with two Starbucks coffees in his hands.

"Good Morning Zoe." he said, handing me a coffee.

"Morning Jon. How did you find my room?" I asked.

"I just asked at the main reception. We were going to go with the tour guide to see the first place so I figured that you may as well come with us then come with another tour guide with a bunch of strangers." he said.

"Well thanks Jon. It's really sweet that you care so much." I said.

Then my phone rang and I looked at the caller I.D. It was Ethan. A smile grew on my face. I picked it up, answered it and put it on speaker so Jon could hear.

"Hi Ethan." I said.

"Hey sis, Are you okay? How was your flight? Are you having fun so far?" he asked.

"Hahahaha. I'm okay, my flight was great and I am having fun. Calm down bro." I said, chuckling.

"I know but you are my best friend. My sister. I guess I'm just looking out for you. This is the first time in years that you have gone out and are having fun. I just want you to have the time of your life." he said.

"I know you care Ethan." I said.

Jon made a fake crying face. I elbowed him, playfully rolling my eyes.

"By the way, on a totally unrelated note, have you gathered any info on that Segway?" he asked.

"Don't worry Ethan, I'll get it for you." I said.

"Sweet." he said.

"Are Mom or Dad there?" I asked.

"No, they've gone to the grocery store. I'll tell them to ring you when they get back." he said.

"Okay, well I've gotta go. I'll call you later, okay?" I said.

"Okay, bye sis." he said.

"Bye bro." I said, before hanging up.

"It sounds like your younger brother really cares about you." said Jon.

"Yeah, but for a 14 year old, he sure acts like my older brother. I love him though, we're practically best friends. I don't know what I'd do without him." I said. "Anyways, I better get ready." I said.

"Yeah, we'll wait for you in the lobby." said Jon.

"Okay. " I said.


I got dressed and went down to the lobby. There I saw Joe, Jon, Colby, Celeste and April.

"Morning guys." I said.

"Morning Zoe." they all said.

"Okay, is everyone ready to go?" asked Joe.

"Yep." we all said, following the tour guide.

I saw so many different landmarks. Universal Studios, Santa Monica Pier and Griffith park. I had a really fun day.

When we got back to the hotel, everyone was talking about a party that was going to be at a club. I really wanted to go but I knew I would probably look stupid there. A nerd like me shouldn't go to parties. Whilst everyone was talking about going to the club, I was able to slip away, go up to my hotel room and bury my head in my book.


Jon's POV:

We were all so pumped about this party.

"I am so excited." said Colby.

"Yeah, I heard that LA parties rock." said April.

"Let's go." said Celeste.

We were about to leave when I realized that Zoe wasn't with us. I'm pretty sure that she came back to the hotel with us. Did she go to her hotel room?

"Hey guys, you go ahead. I'm gonna go find Zoe and I'll meet you guys at the club." I said.

"Okay." They said as they left.


Zoe's POV:

I was sitting on my bed, reading a book on journalism, when I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it to see Jon.

"Oh, hi." I said, moving out of the way for him to come in.

"Hi, what are you doing? " he asked as we both sat on my bed.

"Just reading my journalism book. You never know when you'll need it." I said sarcastically.

"You're actually studying whilst on vacation?" asked Jon.

"Yeah well, I got nothing else to do." I said.

"What do you mean? We're all going down to this really awesome club for a party. Why won't you come with us?" he asked.

I looked down at the floor. How am I supposed to tell him that I really want to come but I know that I'll probably not fit in? That I've never been to a party before? I'm just not party material.  

"I just.......I don't feel like going." I said.

"Come on, what's really up?" he asked.

You know what? I may as well come out with it.

"You know what? Fine!!" I said, as I got up. "I don't want to go because I know that I'll never fit in. Hell, I don't even know what it's like to go to a party because I have never been to one."

"Zoe." Said Jon, standing up to face me. "If you have never been to a party then now's the chance." he said.

"I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I'm a dork since I've never been to a party." I said, looking down.

"Hey." he said, lifting my chin up with his fingers. I stared into his icy blue eyes. My heart started pounding. I couldn't say anything.

"You are not a dork." he said softly. "And if you were, you would be the most beautiful, fun dork there ever was."

I couldn't control myself. I jumped on him into a huge hug. He seemed taken aback for a few seconds but then he hugged back.

We pulled away and I looked at him.

"Now lets see that smile. If I had a heart, I would be going crazy for that smile right now." He said.

I smiled and hugged him again. Jon is a really nice guy. He's really sweet and I feel happy when I'm around him. I don't like him, do I?

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