Chapter 62: Meeting Total Darkness

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Zoe's POV:

"Well...." Renee began. "Colby and I finally said it."

"Wait, you guys said 'I love you'?" I asked.

She nodded and we all squealed.

"I'm so happy for you Renee. How did you guys do it??" April asked.

"Well, we were kinda making out and Colby accidentally blurted it out. I just got so happy and I said it back to him. I'm just so glad he feels the same way."

"Awwww, you guys are so cute." I said. "At least you have that huge pressure lifted off your shoulders."

"I know. It was bugging me for weeks. All I would think about was if he felt the same way." 


Jon's POV: 

"Well...." Colby said. "Renee and I said it."

"You said 'I love you'?" I asked

He nodded, his face turning pink.

"Well it's about time man. You have been hiding that from her for weeks. I'm so glad you finally said it." Joe said. 

"I know. I feel great." he said.

"Yeah, now you can stop staring at her like some stalker." I said.

"I don't stare at her like a stalker. I just stare at her with love. Why should you care how I stare at my girlfriend?? I don't go around telling you how to stare at Zoe." he said.

"Because I don't stare at Zoe like a stalker." I said, making Joe chuckle and Colby glare at me.


We all had a couple of drinks and made small talk.

"So, where are the girls anyways??" Joe asked. 

"Zoe texted me earlier. She said her, Renee and April have gone to some restaurant." I said. "She also said Renee was smiling like no tomorrow."

"Yeah, so. We were both happy saying 'I love you' to each other." Colby said.

"Really, I thought she would've ditched you." Joe said, laughing.

"Hey, hurtful. I'm surprised April stayed with you all these years." Colby shot back. 

Both Joe and Colby playfully glared at each other whilst I was just laughing in the background.

"I don't know why you're laughing Jon. You and Zoe knew each other longer than any of us." Joe said.

"Yeah, but we always liked each other. We just didn't really know it." I said. "Back in high school, I only talked to her once and I kinda did have a crush on her after what happened in our biology class. But then I met Kimmy and I thought my feelings for her were kinda gone but they weren't."

"That just shows that you guys were meant to be." Colby said. "Honestly, I can't imagine you without Zoe. You guys are each other's half. It takes the two of you to be complete."

"Now we know who the emotional one of the group is." Joe said. 

"Hey, I'm just laying facts in the table." Colby said.

"But what he said is true though. You're both perfect for each other." Joe said, making me blush.

"Why do you guys always got to make me blush??" I asked. 

"Hey, you guys made me blush today." Colby said. "Wait, so you've blushed. I've blushed."

We both smirked as we turned our faces to face Joe, who's face had dropped. 

"Oh no." he said as we carried on smirking.


Zoe's POV:

"We should probably get going now." Renee said. 

"Yeah, it's getting late." April said.

"Okay, you guys can go. I just need to do an errand real quick." I said. 

"Okay, we'll see you back at the hotel." April said as they both left.

I walked out of the restaurant and went over to a little post box. I had bought a whole load of goodies for my family. 

I then started to make my way back to the hotel. I was walking past the alleyway when I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me into the darkness. 

I tried to scream but a cloth covered my mouth. I couldn't see who it was as my back was pressed against them. I tried my very best to fight back but I started feeling weaker and weaker and dizzier until I was met with total darkness.


A/N: CLIFFHANGER!!!! Surprise!!! This is the end of the book. There will not be a sequel. I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed it. 

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