Chapter 31: Bad News

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Colby's POV:

I woke up and sighed. I felt a body next to me. I looked and saw Zoe. Then I remembered what happened last night. Zoe was clinging onto my shirt, like someone was gonna take me away from her.

I stroked her hair and gently moved Zoe's hands so I could get up. I went to the bathroom and did my toothbrush and washed my face. I came out and saw Zoe waking up. 

"Morning Zoe. Are you feeling okay?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I guess." she muttered. "Thanks again...for last night."

She got out of bed and walked out of my room. It was like she was a living ghost. This is a side of Zoe I have never seen before. 


Zoe's POV:

I was grateful that Colby let me spend the night with him. I was still heartbroken about what happened to Jon. I wasn't bothered to talk or do anything. My phone rang and I picked it up. 

"Hello." I said. 

"Hi, is this Zoe Brooks?" someone asked. 

"Yeah?" I said. 

"This is Doctor Mathews. I'm Jonathan Good's doctor." he said. 

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I asked, slightly concerned. 

"Well, something happened last night and we need to tell you a few things. Could you come to the hospital as soon as you can?" he said. 

"Yeah, I'll be right there." I said, hanging up. 

I got myself ready and went to Colby's room. 

"Colb?" I said, knocking on the door

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"Colb?" I said, knocking on the door. 

"Yeah?" he said, looking at me. 

"The doctor called and said he wanted to talk to me about Jon. Could you come with me?" I asked. 

"Of course I will." he said. 


Me and Colby arrived at the hospital where we met Doctor Mathews. 

"So, what happened doctor?" Colby asked. 

"Jonathan isn't looking to be in such a good state. We don't know what happened last night. Everything was okay until about four in the morning where he was having trouble breathing." he said. 

"What?" I asked, coming out as a whisper. 

"It's okay Zoe. Calm down." said Colby, rubbing my back. 

"He is currently in a medically induced coma and needs a ventilator to breathe." the doctor explained. 

"Wait, if he's on a ventilator, that means that he can't breathe on his own so if you unplug it, he would.....die?" Colby asked, tearing up. 

The thought of Jon dying killed me on the inside. I don't even need to explain the fact that tears were already streaming down my face. 

"He can breathe but he's not strong enough to by himself." the doctor said. 

"Can....can we see him?" I asked. 

"Zoe, are you sure?" Colby asked. 

"Yeah." I said. 

We all got up and followed the doctor to Jon's room. I took a deep breath as I opened the door and walked into the room. 

Me and Colby were horrified at what we saw. Jon was lying on the bed, his chest gently rising and falling to the rhythm of the ventilator. He had large tubes down his throat. His face was taped to the pillow to keep it in place. 

It was a sickening sight to see and I wished that I never saw it. But I needed to be there for Jon and I'm gonna do anything to make sure he stays alive.  

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