Chapter 41: Opening Up and Good News

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A/N: This is a very important chapter as Jon finally explains what happened between him and his last girlfriend that left him so broken. 


Third Person:

The next day began with a therapy session. Lilly brought a box of tissues with her for this session, since it was clear that Jon found everything hard to talk about. 

"So, can you tell me more about your ex-girlfriend? How did she play with your feelings and hurt you?" Lilly asked. 

Jon was nervous to answer, but was comforted by the fact that Zoe was standing just outside the room.

"Well, she said that she loved me." Jon cleared his throat. "But she was actually using me." It was then that Jon realized that he pronounced two perfectly good sentences for the first time. He couldn't wait to finish this session so he could tell Zoe about his improvement. 

"How exactly did she use you?" Lilly asked, smiling sympathetically.

"I met Kimmy in a club. I fell for her when I saw her. We talked and started dating. We moved in together a few years later. I wanted to marry her. Two days before I propose, the police come to my house and ask for Linda Kim and I was confused because I didn't know who that was. Then Kimmy comes downstairs wondering what happened and they arrested her. They said she was a marriage imposter. She lied to me. She said at the police station that she actually fell in love with me whilst she spent time with me but I didn't believe her so I left. Then I saw her on the date and the memories came back." Jon cried, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Lilly was shocked. It was as if Jon had travelled back in time to when he was with Kimmy. His brain was reminding him about everything that happened between him and Kimmy. 

"She never loved me. Nobody does." Jon cried. 

"I'm sure that's not true Jon. Zoe loves you, doesn't she? And there were a lot of people visiting you when you were in coma. Don't ever put yourself down like that." Lilly said. 

Jon nodded in response. 

"How did you feel after you broke things off with Kimmy?" Lilly asked. 

"I felt broken. I felt like I could never trust a girl ever again. I thought if I did trust a girl, I would become heart broken all over again. I was scared of falling in love again." Jon explained, sobbing. 

"That's understandable." Lilly said, noticing Jon was about to cry again. "Tissue?"

"Thanks." Jon replied, taking the tissue and wiping his eyes. 

"So, how did you feel when you found out that you had feelings for Zoe? Or, how did you gain feelings for Zoe, since you didn't want to get close to a girl?" Lilly asked. 

"We met at the airport and I recognized her from high school. The first memory I remembered was when we were in our biology class and I forgot my textbook and I had to share with her. Then my hand touched hers and I instantly fell for her but I could never tell her. We didn't talk after that. We were on the same tour thing on vacation so we bonded during that." Jon explained with a smile on his face. 

Lilly smiled, seeing how happy Jon was when he talked about Zoe. She could tell Zoe meant a lot to him. 

"I had to leave for WWE and two years later, she joined and we were always together and one day we almost kissed and then I found out that I loved her and I wanted to ask her out but I was scared because I didn't want my heart broken but my friends told me that I could trust Zoe so I asked her out and now, I'm happy with her." Jon said, still smiling. 

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