Chapter 56: Keeping My Promise

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A/N: Here is your smut, as promised.


Zoe's POV:

Me and Jon came back to our hotel room, after an amazing night out. I wanted to keep my promise to him. I wanted to make him happy. I went to the bathroom and changed into my best lingerie and my gown. I came out of the bathroom and saw Jon on the bed, in his bed clothes, on his phone. He saw me and his eyes widened as he dropped his phone. 

I chuckled as his face turned red and he bent to pick his phone up. 

"Sorry, you kinda shocked me there." he said. 

"Well, I am still due to give you your special night." I said. 

I walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

His answering grin was scorching, completely in tune with the hunger in his eyes and his impatient erection. I was thrilled to my core when Jon's low tone washes over me, " You're a rare beauty Zoe. I've clung to the memory of what you feel like around me. " He runs the back of his hand down my cheek, then lovingly traces the line of my jaw with a knuckle.

Those fevered words ratcheted my desire to unbearable levels and when he gently laid me onto the bed with a lovingly glint in the steel of his stare, I felt like it was Christmas – only I was overwhelmed by choice. Not sure what toy I wanted to play with first, greedy to get my hands on as much as possible of his flesh.

He crawled up, between my legs where he stopped to rid me of my gown and sodden panties. He slung it away carelessly, his ogling eyes never leaving the naked place they covered. He continued to stare, licking his lips – obviously beyond aroused by the sight but there was nothing to hide my intimate folds and I felt exposed, squirming and certain that my blush reached all the way down there.

I took his clothes off, leaving him naked in front of me before he unclipped my bra off.

He took his sweet, torturous time – luxuriating in his private viewing activity. He made no move to touch me but the ravenous mould of his face was pushing me to run up the steps of desire, taking them three at a time. I shifted in needy response.

He growled, low in his chest while he gripped my inner thighs, pushing them apart. " I love you Zoe. " I smiled as his hands slipped around, cupping my backside as he pushed his nose into my sex, inhaling deeply.

Oh my fucking my!

"Jon please." I moan, begging for more.

When he came away, I caught his gaze. His eyes look unfocused – filled with lust. " You're beautiful. I love you. I love you so fucking much, it hurts. " He swiftly stretched to cover my body with his, kissing me wildly. He raided my mouth mercilessly, our arms and legs tangling and writhing, taking in the exquisite pleasure of intimate contact.

He rolled, taking me with him and we pause for air, our breaths mingling and faces flushed. With my body on top of his, I stroked my hand over the sprinkling of stubble, reacquainting myself with every curve and dip of his face. "You are so precious. I love you too baby."

Another low hum is his reply and he closed his eyes as my gratitude sluiced over him – clearly striking a cord. "Come here."

"Come, sit here, on my chest." He patted his sternum. His silky voice was dripping with erotic promise.

I scoot up, eager to find out what passionate delight he had in store for me. It only took a second for me to grasp the nature of the deeply intimate act he had in mind and I gnawed at my lip, my coyness getting the better of me.

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