Chapter 38: I Love Zoe Brooks

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Zoe's POV:

Jon had been awake for 11 minutes and 25 seconds. I wanted to count every second I spent with him. I was lying on my side, next to Jon on the hospital bed. One of my hands were on Jon's hand on his side and the other was on his cheek, gently rubbing it with my thumb. I stared lovingly into his sky blue eyes. I couldn't stop smiling and all Jon was doing was smiling too. 


Two Hours Later.....

Stephanie and Hunter arrived as they wanted to say a proper hello to Jon. One that he could actually understand Jon couldn't talk or understand anything much. 

"Hey Jon." Stephanie said with tears in her eyes. 

Jon looked up and smiled at her. 

"He can't talk yet." Colby explained. "Jon still needs to work up the strength of his vocal cords. The doctors think it might take a few days, maybe a week before he can talk in full sentences."

"Well, it's better than nothing." Hunter said with a smile. 

"When would he be discharged from here?" Stephanie asked. 

"We don't know for sure. It depends on his development." said April. 

"The doctor said he'd need to be here for at least another three weeks." said Renee. 

"Well, we're only a phone call away if you need help. We are more than happy to pay the bills for the physiotherapy." Hunter smiled. 

"Thank you so much Hunter." I said. 

"No problem. We were thinking of putting an update of Jon's condition on the official WWE Facebook page. Is that alright?" Stephanie asked. 

"Go for it." I said. 

"What are you gonna put anyways?" asked Joe. 

"Something along the lines of, 'He's awake and in good health, but he's still got a long way to go.'" Hunter said. 

"That's cool. I'm sure the fans are dying to hear about him. I keep getting tweets asking about him." Colby said. 

Third person:

Whilst everyone was talking, Jon was just taking everything in and learning how to process the new sounds of the voices he was hearing. 

It would be a long road before Jon could fully recover but with everyone on his side, there was no way he was giving up.


Two Days Later.....

Over the next two days, Jon rested and took in other people's conversations, trying to remember what each word meant. His first speech therapy session was starting today and he was a little nervous that he wouldn't be able to say anything. 

Zoe and Colby stayed by his side the whole time, supporting him through the new challenges. 

"Okay, Jon, we're gonna start off with a few voice exercises. Are you okay with that?" the speech therapist, Alex asked. 

Jon nodded in agreement. 

"Alright, if you could repeat after me, from the throat." she said. 

Alex then went on to make a load of strange noises which Jon easily copied. Jon was learning fast and Alex predicted that he would be able to speak fully within the next few days. 

Zoe and Colby were very happy with Jon's progress, which made Jon happy. Zoe and Jon spent the rest of the day snuggled up on the hospital bed. 

Zoe watched Jon as he was sleeping. She wanted to kiss him but Jon just got better and she wanted their next kiss to be special.

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