Chapter 12: I Wish, I Wish

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Zoe's POV:

Today was Monday Night RAW. I was walking around getting ready for my interview. 

(Zoe's Outfit)^^^^

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(Zoe's Outfit)^^^^

I was going through the script for the interview and a few moments later, we began filming. After filming the interview, I was on my way to catering. Whilst walking, I saw Nikki Bella and John Cena together. They were laughing together.  I also saw April and Joe smiling and hugging. Then I saw Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan holding hands. 

I really wanted to be like that. To have someone who I can talk to when I'm upset. Someone who I can share anything with. I let out a sigh as I continued walking. Then I saw Jon playing with a little girl who I think is Randy's daughter Alanna. Oh, how I wished he would ever like me. But after what happened a few days ago with that almost kiss, would he like me? 


Jon's POV:

I was playing with Randy's daughter Alanna whilst he was having his match. She was really adorable. All I was really thinking about was what I was gonna do with my feelings towards Zoe. I just don't know what to do. 

"Uncle Dean." said Alanna, looking at me. 

"Yeah Sweetie?" I asked. 

"You look sad, are you okay?" she asked. 

I sighed. 

"Actually Sweetie, I am sad." I said. "I'm having trouble deciding something." 

"What is it, Uncle Dean?" she asked. 

"Well you know that Uncle Dean has been single for a while, right?" I asked. 

"Yeah." she said. 

"Well, I don't want to be single anymore. I really like someone but I don't know if I should tell her." I said. 

"You are really nice Uncle Dean. She can't say no." she said. 

"I don't want to ruin our friendship though." I said. 

"I could ask her." she suggested. 

"Really?" I said, looking at her. 

"Yeah, she can't say no to me." she said. 

"OK. But don't make it direct. Don't make her think that I like her." I said. 

"OK Uncle Dean." she said. 

"Good girl." I said, putting her down. 

I watched as she made her way to catering. She looked at me and I pointed at Zoe. She nodded and went to her table. I watched closely as I saw them talk. 


Zoe's POV:

I was sitting on a table eating a sandwich when that little girl came and sat on my table. 

"Hi, I'm Alanna." she said. 

"I'm Zoe." I said. "What are you doing here Sweetie? I thought I saw you with Dean." 

"I was playing with Uncle Dean until he said he needed to go to the bathroom and he told me to sit here where there are lots of people so nothing bad happens to me." she explained. 

"Okay." I said. 

"Are you Uncle Dean's friend?" she asked. 

"Yes I am." I said. 

"You are really lucky. Uncle Dean is really nice. Every time I come to visit my dad and he has a match, I always play with Uncle Dean." she said. 

"I'm sure he's very nice to play around with." I said. 

"He is." she said. 

"He's also a great friend to me too. He is really nice and always sticks up for me." I said forgetting Alanna was still there. 

"He has sparkling blue eyes and fluffy dirty blond hair and-" I was interrupted by Alanna's giggles. 

"You like Uncle Dean." she said. 

I gasped, realizing what I said.

"Sweetie, do you think you could keep this between us?" I asked. 

"OK Auntie Zoe." she said which made me smile. "You're really nice. You would be perfect for Uncle Dean." 

"Thanks Sweetie. And might I say you are really sweet too." I said, pinching her cheek as she laughed. 

Then out of nowhere, Jon appeared at our table. 

"Hi Zo, thanks for looking after Alanna." he said. 

"It's fine. She's great company." I said, hoping he didn't hear our conversation. 

"We better go Sweetie, your dad's match is ending soon." said Jon. 

"OK. Bye Auntie Zoe." she said. 

"Bye Alanna." I said as thy walked away. 


Jon's POV:

"So, what did she say?" I asked. 

"She likes you Uncle Dean." she said smiling. 

"Really?" I asked. 

"Yeah, it kind of slipped out from her mouth." she said. 

"Thank you so much Sweetie." I said. 

"It's okay Uncle Dean." she said giving me a hug. 

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