Chapter 40: Walking and Sneak Peaks From The Past

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A/N: Just to let you know, I'm using the third person as it's easier for these types of scenes. I will be going back to people's point of views soon. 

A huge shoutout to jadeG7685 for the votes. Thanks.



Third Person:

Jon was currently in his next physiotherapy session, with Zoe, April and Mark. He had already done the warm ups and was now talking to Mark, about the different things they could do next. 

Mark suggested that Jon tried to stand up for as long as his body lets him, along with his, Zoe's and April's support. Jon loved that idea. He wanted to fix his legs as soon as possible. He was tired of lying down all the time, but most of all, he wanted to step back into the ring. He missed wrestling.

"How I do it?" Jon asked, still not understanding how to make full sentences. 

"Zoe, April, could you grab each of his legs and swirl him around so that's he's sitting on the edge of the bed please? And Jon, just try to keep your back straight." Mark said. 

Zoe and April did as they were told, and soon, Jon was sitting up. Mark talked Jon through what was going to happen, making sure he understood.

"Zoe, April, if you hold his waist, it'll help support him." Mark said. "Okay Jon, whenever you're ready."

Jon took a deep breath and placed his feet on the floor. He then pushed himself up off of the bed in order to stand. He would have fallen flat on his face if Zoe and April weren't supporting him. 

Zoe and April kept Jon's body steady. He was standing up, shaking slightly but he was balancing really well. Mark gestured for Zoe and April to take their hands off Jon's waist, to see if he could support himself. 

The two women removed their hands and watched as Jon continued to stand. The smile on Jon's face, when he realized he was standing by himself, made Zoe's heart melt. 

"I doned it." Jon smiled, his speech incorrect but Zoe didn't mention it at such a happy time. 

"You done it Jon." Zoe and April said. 

"Jon, would you like to take your first steps?" Mark asked.

"Yeah." Jon replied excitedly. 

"Okay, I'll get Zoe and April to help support you again and we'll see how it goes." Mark said, standing and moving three steps away from Jon. "I want you to walk over to me, turn around and then, walk back to the bed, okay?"

"Yeah." Jon smiled. Zoe and April put their hands on Jon's waist and helped guide him over to Mark.

Jon managed to walk to Mark and back, with support and he felt great. 

"I try on own now?" Jon asked, not wanting Zoe and April supporting him. He wanted to walk by himself. 

"If you think you're ready." Mark replied. "Then go ahead."

April and Zoe removed their hands from Jon's waist and allowed him to walk on his own. Jon made the same route without any support. Mark was over the moon with the progress and decided that Jon would be able to leave the hospital earlier than he planned. 

"I think you'll be out of here by next week, with the speed of recovery you're going at." Mark smiled. "I talked to Doctor Mathews this morning and he said that Alex will only be giving you one more session. Lilly wants to see you today and tomorrow and I'll see you tomorrow as well, but apart from that you're ready to go."

"That's awesome." Jon said, grinning. "I can't wait to leave."

"It must have been hell for you, being stuck in here for so long." Mark said, laughing. "I'll give you my personal discharge to leave after our session tomorrow and I'm sure the other doctors will too over the weekend." 

"Okay, thank you." Jon replied, grateful for what the doctors and nurses have done for him.

"I believe that Doctor Mathews will be having a meeting with you tomorrow evening to talk through your medication. I'll see you tomorrow." Mark said. 

"Bye." Jon said. "Therapy with Lilly, then sleep."

"I know you don't want to do therapy, but it'll help. I promise." Zoe said. "I only want what's best for you. I love you."

"I love you too." Jon said, falling asleep.


It was time for Jon's first therapy lesson. Zoe left the room to give Jon and Lilly some privacy. Lilly wanted to make sure that Jon felt comfortable about talking about everything. 

"So Jon, tell me a bit about yourself. What did you do before?" Lilly asked, clipboard in hand.

"Um, I wrestled." Jon started, finding it hard to use certain word. "And that's it."

"Really, did you enjoy wrestling?" Lilly asked. 

"Yeah." Jon said, remembering all the great matches he had.

"Well, that gives you something to work for. Once you're out of here, you can go back to wrestling." Lilly smiled. "Now, we're gonna get straight into the heavy questions, okay?" Jon nodded. "Do you remember what made you have such a horrible breakdown?"

"Um..." Jon didn't know how to answer. "Bad girl."

"Was that Zoe or someone else?" Lilly asked. 

"Someone else." Jon repeated from Lilly's vocab. 

"Why was this girl bad?" Lilly asked. 

"She hurt me. She played with feelings." Jon sighed. "I don't like her." 

"Well, that's a good thing you don't like her. I'd be a bit worried if you did." Lilly said. "How did you and Zoe get so close?" 

"We see each other at airport. I didn't want a girlfriend because I hurt. We also in same high school." Jon replied.

"Really, how did you start dating?" Lilly asked. 

"I ask on Christmas Eve. I loved her and she love me and she says yes." Jon said, messing up his words but remembering that happy moment of his life. 

"So, did something happen between you two that she wasn't there when you broke down?" Lilly asked.

"We on date and I see bad girl. I remembered our past and want to go back. Zoe goed to see Colby and I was sad and memories keep coming and I break down." Jon said, tears filling his eyes. "Can Zoe come in? I need hug."

"Yeah she can, I'll go get her for you. I think our session is over for today. You did really well. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Lilly smiled, standing up and opening the door. 

"Thanks, see you." Jon said. 

"Bye Jon." Lilly waved, gesturing Zoe to go into the room. 

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Zoe asked, walking straight over to Jon and giving him a hug. 

"I love you." Jon cried. 

"I love you too." Zoe replied. 

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