Chapter 11: What Should I Do?

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Jon's POV:

I needed to get out of the hotel room for a bit. I needed to clear my head. All I was thinking about was my feelings towards Zoe. I guess our relationship wasn't exactly a friendly one but it wasn't a romantic one either. I looked at my lock screen on my phone. It was the picture that Joe took of both me and Zoe that morning in L.A when we were sleeping on the couch, cuddling. 

I really liked that picture and I set it as my lock screen. I never really changed it for the past two years. Whenever I missed Zoe, I would look at the picture and I would feel all warm inside. I thought back to when we were inside Universal Studios. 


2 years ago in L.A.........

Joe, Colby, April and Celeste were roaming around the place. We kind of lost each other so Zoe and I went to see the Spongebob section because we are fun unlike them. We wondered inside until we saw a pineapple that was like Spongebob's house. 

"Shall we sit inside?" asked Zoe smiling

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"Shall we sit inside?" asked Zoe smiling. 

"I thought you'd never ask." I said. 

We both walked into the little house and sat down. 

"I would love to live in a pineapple." I said. 

"Really?? I wouldn't be able to do that." She said. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Because it would probably smell and go all rotten." she said. 

"But if you're on the couch and you're hungry and you're too lazy to get a snack, you can eat a  part of the wall." I said.

"True, until you eat your entire house." she said. 

"Oh yeah. I should learn a few things from you." I said as we both laughed. 

I really did have fun with her that day. I feel really comfortable around her and I feel like I can be myself. I mean, her personality is really nice and she is really pretty and her eyes sparkle in the sun and- wait, I......I have feelings for Zoe? OH MY GOD I HAVE FEELINGS FOR ZOE!!!!!

I began to smile at the thought of her. I wanna ask her out but I don't wanna ruin what we already have. I also don't want my heart to be broken again. But I've known Zoe for 2 years now and also in high school even if we didn't ever talk to each other. I know I can trust her. 

I'm gonna ask her out as soon as I'm ready. 

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