Chapter 28: Being In Love and Feeling The World Collapse Before Your Eyes

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Zoe's POV:

Colby asked me to meet him at the Starbucks across the street. I opened the door and saw him with two caramel frappes in his hands.

"Your favorite." he said, handing me the plastic cup with a little straw. 

"Thanks Colbs, you shouldn't have. I could have paid." I said as we sat at a little booth. 

"It's alright, you're my little sister. It's the least I could do." he said, taking a sip. 

"So, what did you need me for? I'm all ears." I said, taking a sip. 

"Well, I've......fallen in love with Renee." he said. 

"What???!!!" I squealed happily. "Really???!!!" 

"Yeah." he said, smiling goofily at his frappe which I thought was adorable. 

"That's awesome but shouldn't you be telling Renee and" I asked. 

"Yeah, I know but I don't know if she feels the same way. I don't want to confess my love to her only to have her not love me back and break up with me and leave me heartbroken." he said. 

"She will feel the same way. I see the way you look at each other. You're both perfect for each other. You should te-" I was interrupted by my phone beeping. 

I looked down and saw 'My Blonde Sister'  (Renee)

"Speak of the devil." I muttered, smirking. 

'Hey Zoe, I really need to talk to you. Can you let me know when you're available to talk?' - My Blonde Sister

'Sure, I'll let you know.' - Me. 

'Thnxx' - My Blonde Sister

"Who is it?" Colby asked. 

"Your girlfriend." I said, smirking, putting my phone away. 

"What did she say?" he asked. 

"She wants to talk to me later about something." I replied. 

"Okay, oh wait, didn't you have a date with Jon? How was it?" he asked. 

I frowned, looking down.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Colby asked. 

"Well, me and Jon went ice skating and it was really fun at first but then, his face looked like he had seen a ghost. I asked what was wrong and he said we had to leave. I don't know if I pissed him off or something when I asked him why because he raised his voice slightly but nobody heard luckily and we came back." I explained, sighing.

"Whoa, I don't really know why he would react like that. Maybe he saw something that he wasn't supposed to see that might have reminded him about his past." Colby suggested. 

"Maybe, he told me about it. The poor guy cried the whole time whilst explaining. He went through such a bad experience and he didn't deserve it at all." I said. 

"Wow, he must really trust you by telling you all that. He hasn't even told any of us and we've been with him almost his entire life." Colby said. 

"I better go see how he's doing." I said, getting up. 

"I'll come with you." said Colby as we both left. 


2 minutes later.......

Me and Colby arrived at the hotel door and I knocked on it. We waited for a minute but nobody opened the door. 

"Weird." I said, looking at Colby confused. 

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