Chapter 3: Meeting Jon's Friends

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Zoe's POV:

The plane landed and I got out of the airport to get some air. Then someone came and stood next to me.....

"Hi, you're Zoe Brooks right?" asked the mystery man.

"Um.... Yes and who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Joe, I'm Jon's friend. I believe you guys met at the airport." he said.

"Yeah, wait are you Joe Anoa'i?" I asked.

"Yes, I remember you from high school." he said. "So Jon tells me.....well Jon told all of us that you're on the same sightseeing program with us." he said.

"Yeah, weird coincidence." I said.

"We're all gonna go to the hotel. Do you wanna come with us?" he asked.

"It's okay. I don't wanna be any trouble." I said.

"It's no trouble at all. I insist. Come with us." he said.

"Okay thanks." I said as we walked inside.


Joe was really sweet. Again, we had never spoken to each other in high school or at all until that moment. I walked next to Joe as we neared his group of friends.

"Hey guys." said Joe as they all turned around.

"Hey Zoe." said Jon as we walked up to them.

"Hi Joe, who is this?" asked a guy with long blond and black hair. I quite liked the look if I don't say so myself.

"This is Zoe Brooks, Colby." said Joe.

"You may remember her from high school?" said Jon.

Colby made a thinky face before looking at me.

"Oh, you're that quiet blond girl that was the only student in the class that got straight A's." he said.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well nice to meet you." he said.

"You too." I said.

Then I looked at the two girls that were with them.

"Oh I almost forgot to introduce the girls." said Jon.

"This is Celeste." he said, motioning to a girl with black and blond hair.

"She is Colby's girlfriend." he said.

"Nice to meet you Zoe." she said.

"Nice to meet you too. Just saying, I love your hair." I said.

"Thanks." she said.

"Hey, you know I have black and blond hair too." said Colby, pouting.

"Yeah, I love your hair too." I said.

"I'm better now." he said as we laughed.

"And this is April." said Joe, motioning to a small girl with black hair. "She is my girlfriend." 

"Hi Zoe, it's great to meet you." she said.

"You too." I said.

"Now, should we get to the hotel?" asked Colby.

"Yeah, let's go." said Joe.

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