Chapter 49: Whoa!!!

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A/N: I needed to add this because it's true

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A/N: I needed to add this because it's true. Whoever doesn't like Dean Ambrose is crazy. 


Zoe's POV:

Me and Jon went backstage with Colby and Joe. 

"No fair, I didn't know you would eliminate me. I would've prepared myself." Colby whined.

"That was the whole point Lopez." Jon said. 

I saw Joe who was moving his shoulder in circular motions. 

"You okay Joe?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine." he said. 

"Sorry about that Ro. You came running at me and my first instinct was to move." Jon said.

"It's okay. I'm glad you won though." Joe said. 

"You deserve it." Colby said. 

"Thanks." I said. 

"So, where are we going to celebrate? I suggest the club." Joe said. 

I felt my heart stop for a moment. I remembered what happened last time in LA. Joe and Colby didn't know about that. I felt Jon squeeze my hand. 

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." he whispered. 

"No....I'll go." I said. 

"Are you sure?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said. 


Me and Jon both got showered and ready. Jon wore a black shirt and jeans with his leather jacket. 

I wore this.

"Wow, looking hot Zo

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"Wow, looking hot Zo." Jon said. 

"Thank you." I said. 


Me and they guys arrived at the club. April and Renee said they would join us later. Jon, Joe and Colby left to get some drinks. Then some guy came up to me. 

Jon's POV:

Me and the boys went to get some drinks. I picked up a soda for Zoe since she doesn't drink. We were walking back when I saw some random guy talking to Zoe, and touching her. This guy is literally about to die now. I was about to beat the crap out of him when something happened, making all of our eyes go wide. 

Zoe's POV:

"Hey there." the guy slurred. 

"Get away from me." I said. 

"Why don't you come to my place? We can have a little fun." he slurred.

"No thanks. I have a boyfriend." I said, trying to remain calm. 

"He doesn't have to know." he whispered, making me shudder in disgust. 

Then he started rubbing his hand on my arm. That's when I decided, enough was enough. 

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, kicking him in the nuts, sending his falling to the ground. I opened my eyes and saw him on the ground, holding his private area. I smirked to myself. 

"Whoa." I heard. 

I saw Joe, Jon and Colby. 

"I was about to beat the shit out of that guy but it looks like you had it handled." Jon said. 

"Well, I couldn't stand him any longer so I did what I had to do." I said. 

"Remind us not to mess with you." Colby said as Joe agreed. 

"Now, lets party." I yelled, grabbing a glass from Jon's hand. 

"No, wait, Zo, that's alco-"

"Whoa, this is so good. How have I not had this type of soda before?" I asked.

I took another glass and drank the drink. It tasted so good. Joe, Jon and Colby had a look of concern on their faces. I didn't know why they were so worried. It's just soda. 

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