Chapter 23: Memories and The Bracelet 😢

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A/N: Just to let you guys know, I literally cried whilst typing this chapter so you might want to grab some tissues. 


Jon's POV:

My eyes fluttered open as the sun shone through the windows. I yawned and stretched before looking at Zoe. She was still asleep, slowly breathing in and out, clutching onto my shirt with no intention of letting go. I felt tears in my eyes and wiped them away before kissing Zoe's hair. I moved her blonde hair from her face to see that she still looked the same. A blank face. No smile, no frown. It was like she was a robot; I didn't like that. I just wanted the old Zoe back. The old Zoe that I fell in love with.  

I sighed as I tried to get out of bed but Zoe held a grip on my shirt. I bit my lip and lay back down next to her, stroking her hair. After a while,her grip wasn't as tight and I was able to get out of bed. I had a shower, brushed my teeth and put some clean clothes on. 

I came out of the bathroom to see Zoe awake but still lying in bed with a blank face. I walked over to the bed and sat next to her, lifting her up so she could sit next to me. All she did was stare and blink. I kissed her lips and she put her head on my shoulder. Then, there was a low growling sound. It was coming from Zoe. It sounded like she was hungry. 

I carried Zoe to the bathroom and sat her down on a chair in front of the sink. I grabbed her toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and opened her mouth to brush her teeth. After I brushed her teeth, I washed her face. Zoe needed to shower but April and Renee weren't awake yet. I didn't want to disturb them and plus, I kinda heard them getting it on with Joe and Colby last night so I thought it would be best not to intrude right now. 

I had no choice. I turned the shower on and adjusted the water. Once the water was warm enough, I took Zoe's bed clothes off and put her in the shower. I bit my lip as the water poured down on her. I grabbed some shampoo and conditioner and washed her hair and then, I washed her body. Once she was clean, I dried her with a towel and put her clothes on her. It was one of her casual outfits. I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. 


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(Ignore glasses)^^

Zoe looked cute in her little beanie so I put that on her open hair. I carried her to the kitchen and put her in one of the chairs while I made breakfast. Yeah, yeah, you're probably wondering, Jon can cook???!!! 

Well, back in my shitty childhood years, when I lived with my mom, although she was a prostitute, she still loved me and always made a good breakfast. She would make omelettes, bacon, sausages, every breakfast item you can think of and she'd never let me leave the house without making sure I had a full stomach. I loved her cooking so much that I wanted to learn how to make some of the stuff. I spent a couple months practicing and soon enough, I was the one making breakfast for her.

I smiled at the memory of her. That smile turned into a frown when I remembered that she's not alive because of me. It's my fault she's dead. She loved me and I killed her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head. I thought I should make my mom's famous chocolate chip pancakes. 

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