Chapter 22: Taking Care Of Zoe

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A/N: I just wanted to say, thank you so much for 1K reads. I'm so glad more and more people are reading this book. You guys are superstars for reading about my little lunatic. 

Thanks xxxxx


Jon's POV:

After Barrett got fired, me, Stephanie and Hunter all made our way to our locker room to see Zoe. When we reached the room, I opened the door and saw Colby on the sofa next to Zoe, her head on his shoulder and her face still blank and wet with tears. Joe was trying to get Zoe to do something, anything, but all she did was stare.

 I couldn't see her like that so I turned away and felt my hot tears running down my face. Hunter put his hand on my shoulder to try to comfort me. 

"Look, I know it's hard Jon, but if you fall weak, you won't be able to support Zoe and she really needs you right now. You're the only one who will make her feel safe. You are both each other's missing puzzle piece. You both need each other but Zoe needs you more than ever and if she's gonna get better, she needs the other half of the puzzle which is you." Hunter said. 

"I'm trying Hunter, it just hurts me to see her like that. I knew something was gonna happen and I told her I wasn't gonna leave her side but I still did. I was absolutely broken before Zoe came into my life and when she did, she fixed me. She made me so happy and made me feel feelings I have never felt before. If I ever lose her, I don't know what will happen to me." I said, wiping my tears. 

Steph walked over to Zoe and knelt in front of her. Zoe's head was still on Colby's shoulder.

"Should I leave?" Colby asked. 

"No, stay in here, Zoe's found comfort in you. She's able to trust you. If you go all of a sudden, something could happen and I don't want her health to get worse." Stephanie explained. "Because the three of you boys spend the most time with her, she will be able to trust you and you can be around her. She can be around any female friends but not around any males. Especially males she barely knows. If she is, she could have a emotional, mental or physical breakdown which could be dangerous, or she might lose trust in every single man she comes across." 

"What about her family?" I asked. 

"I called her family while you were in the ring. They're stuck in Scotland and there's a huge snow blizzard thing so they can't fly out for a couple weeks." Joe said. 

Stephanie looked at Zoe and held her hand. "Zoe sweetie, I'm really sorry that happened to you. I fired Barrett and he's gone to jail so you don't have to worry about him anymore. We need you to get better, okay? We need our star interviewer with us. I remember when you first joined us. You were so happy and you were really excited and cheerful. We all just want that same Zoe back again." 

Stephanie looked at all of us and said, "You should take Zoe back to the hotel. Please look after her. I'll get you all one big room so you can stay together and look after her. Does she have any female friends who she really trusts?" 

"Yeah, Renee and April." said Colby. 

"We'll put the six of you in the biggest hotel room so you all fit and so you can all look after Zoe." said Hunter. 

"I'll call you tomorrow just to see if everything is okay. If anything does happen, don't hesitate to call, whether it's day or night." Stephanie said.

"Thank you so much Stephanie, Hunter." I said, 

"It's no problem. Zoe is one of our most respectful and honest employees we have ever had and we are really proud to have her in this company." said Hunter. 

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