Chapter 29: High School Memories

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Zoe's POV:

I walked out of the hospital, tears still in my eyes. It was dark out and it was pouring down with rain but I didn't care. I just needed to get away from everything. I started walking until I made it to a little park. I found a bench and sat down as the rain continued to drench me. 

I started to think about everything that me and Jon had done together. I remembered a moment from high school, the only time we ever talked to each other.  


The bell rang as I sat down for my biology lesson. 

"Okay class, please take out your textbooks and turn to page 105 please." the teacher said. 

I grabbed my textbook from my bag and turned to the correct page as the door burst open to reveal a guy with dirty blonde hair and icy blue eyes. He had a leather jacket on and blue jeans. 

"Mr Jonathan Good, you're late......again." the teacher said.

"Sorry, I had a few......problems at home. It won't happen again." he said. 

"Anyways, there are no seats available.....oh wait, there's one next to Miss Brooks. Go and sit there and please take your textbook out." the teacher said. 

My eyes widened. The most popular kid in the school is going to sit next to a nerd like me. The guy that every single girl in this school dreams of dating is gonna sit next to me. He made his way over to his desk next to me as I felt my heart pound out of my chest. I'm not gonna lie. He is really hot. Any girl could fall for those blue eyes of his. And his looks so soft and strokable. 

I think he caught me staring at him because he sent me a warm smile as he sat down. Not a smirk, but an actual smile. I felt my cheeks heat up and I tried to hide my smile as I turned away. I saw all the other girls in the class glare at me. Jealous much. It's not everyday Jonathan Good smiles at a girl. 

"Umm....sir, I don't have my textbook." Jonathan said. 

"Typical." the teacher said, sighing. "Well, I guess you'll have to share with-" 

"I'll share my book with him." some girl said. 

"No, no, no, I'll share my book with Jonathan, sir." another girl said. 

"Nonsense, Jonathan is sitting right next to Zoe. You can share with Zoe, Jonathan." the teacher said as all the girls groaned. 

I tried my very hardest to hide my smile. Jonathan Good is going to share a textbook.....with me!!! Could this day get any better??  

"Umm... do you mind if I move a little closer? I can't see the textbook properly." he said. 

"Ummm..n-no, I don't mind." I said, trying to stop myself from blushing. 

He smiled as he moved his chair closer to mine. The desk was quite small so he had to move quite a bit. Our arms were touching and I tried my best not to squeal. 

"Thanks." he said. 

"No problem." I said. 

"Now class, I want you to read the information on page 105 and answer the questions on page 106." the teacher said. 

I started reading all the information and was about to turn to the next page. I put my hand on the page to turn it when another hand reached out to turn it too. His hand touched mine. I turned to see it was Jonathan's hand. 

We both stared at each other. We were so close together that our noses almost touched. I felt my breathing getting heavier and my heart hammering. We didn't move our hands though. They stayed where they were as we continued to look at each other. It was like we were in a trance. Jonathan didn't even show a jokey, playful face. His face looked serious as did mine. I wasn't gonna lie. Jonathan's hand was really soft. I watched as his eyes went from an icy blue to a sky blue. 

"Mr Good and Miss Brooks?" the teacher said, making us both jump and look at the teacher. "If you have finished having your little moment staring at each other, can you please answer the questions?" 

I pressed my lips together and looked down. All the other girls kept glaring at me. Jonathan quickly moved his hand and I quickly moved turned the page to answer the questions. 

I couldn't stop smiling. I just had a moment with Jonathan Good. I picked up my pen and began writing down the answers, taking quick glances at Jonathan, who seemed to be doing the same, glancing at me from time to time.


I felt my hot tears fall down my face as the cold rain continued to fall. I had so many memories of us together. From high school, to L.A to now. Everything was so perfect back in the days. Why is everything happening now? 

I continued to cry as the rain poured down and the light thunder hit. 

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