Chapter 44: What Should I Do??

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Later On That Same Day.....

Zoe's POV:

I had such a blast with my family. I really loved Jon for what he did for me. I know he really cares. I was sitting with my dad and Ethan in the cafe whilst my mom was with Jon. 

"So, when did you meet Jon?" Dad asked. "When you first joined?"

"Actually, we've known each other since high school but we didn't really talk to each other." I said. 

"Wow, that's a long time." Ethan said. 

"Yeah, then we met each other again when I went to LA. We spent a lot of time together." I said. 

"And you didn't tell us about him?" Dad asked. 

"We weren't dating then. He didn't want to date anyone after what happened with his previous girlfriend. He hadn't dated for more than two years. When I joined WWE, we met again after two years and he asked me out and I said yes." I said. 

"What did happen between him and his girlfriend?" Ethan asked. 

"Well, he said that she cheated." I said. 

"Are you sure?" Dad asked.

"Um...yeah, I'm pretty sure. Why?" I asked, confused.

"Well, does he talk about it much?" Dad asked. 

"Not really." I said. 

"You know, cheating doesn't make you seem like you should stop dating. I should know. I dated this one girl in high school who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with when, she cheated on me. I was hurt. Like, really hurt. I didn't talk to anyone for days but I managed to move on. Jon hadn't dated anyone for more than two years. I didn't date anyone for about 4 months." Dad said. 

"So...what are you trying to say?" I asked. 

"Maybe, there's more to the story. Maybe something more happened between him and his ex that left him broken for years." Dad said. 

"Dad could be onto something here." Ethan said. 

I thought about it for a while. I guess it made sense. Maybe something more did happen between him and his ex girlfriend. 


Jon's POV:

I was sitting with Zoe's mother, who was lovely, by the way. 

"So, how long have you and Zoe known each other for?" her mom asked. 

"Well, since high school but we never really talked much back then." I said. 

"At least I know she can trust you." she said. "I love seeing her so happy."

"I really do love your daughter." I said. 

"I really love her too. I'd fight the world for her." she said, making my heart stop. 

'I'd fight the world for you Jonathan. If I have to, I'd make the entire world my enemy if it meant keeping you safe.'

I remembered when my mom used to tell me that everyday. All the horrible memories from the past slowly crept into my mind. 

"Mom, you're so embarrassing." I whined, wiping my cheek after she kissed it. 

"Why are you embarrassed? I can kiss you whenever I want." she said. 

"Yeah....but not in front of my friends." I whispered as I could hear them sniggering in the background. 

"Who cares? They're just jealous." she said. 

"Whatever you say, Mom." I said, playfully rolling my eyes. "Now, go, before they start teasing me."

"Okay, don't forget to eat your lunch properly." she said whilst I pushed her away.

"Mom." I whined. 

"And make sure you don't get into any fights." she said once out the door. 

"Okay." I said. 

My friends had turned around, doing something. Mom was about to leave when I stopped her. 

"Mom." I whispered, making her turn around. 

I kissed her cheek. 

"Love you." I whispered, making her smile.

"Love you too." she whispered. 

I felt hot tears grow in my eyes. I really missed my mom. She gave me all the love in the world and I couldn't do anything for her. Zoe was so lucky to still have her entire family with her. I had nobody. 

"Jon, are you okay Sweetie?" I heard, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"I...I'm fine. I'm sorry." I said, wiping my tears. "I'm making such a bad impression of myself."

"No you're not." she said. "And if there's something bothering you, it's okay to tell someone and get it off your chest."

"It's nothing. It's just that when you said you'd fight the world for Zoe, it.....reminded me of when my mom used to.....say the same thing." I muttered. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. If I knew, I wouldn't have said that." she said. 

"No, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I just miss her, that's all." I said. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay Sweetie." she said. 

I got up and made my way to the bathroom. As I was walking, I saw Zoe sitting with her dad and brother. She looked really happy. She deserved to be happy. To have such a loving family. I just don't want her to ever go through what I went through. She has such a wonderful family and I have no-one. I sometimes wondered if my life would have been different if I had a loving family like Zoe's. 

I sighed and went into the bathroom. I washed my face and came out, feeling a little but refreshed. I was about to walk back to Zoe's mom when I heard something that grabbed my attention. 

"What did happen between him and his girlfriend?" Ethan asked.

"Well, he said that she cheated." Zoe said.

"Are you sure?" Zoe's dad asked.

"Um...yeah, I'm pretty sure. Why?" Zoe asked.

"Well, does he talk about it much?" her dad asked.

"Not really." Zoe said.

"You know, cheating doesn't make you seem like you should stop dating. I should know. I dated this one girl in high school who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with when she cheated on me. I was hurt. Like, really hurt. I didn't talk to anyone for days but I managed to move on. Jon hadn't dated anyone for more than two years. I didn't date anyone for about 4 months." her dad said.

"So...what are you trying to say?" Zoe asked.

"Maybe, there's more to the story. Maybe something more happened between him and his ex that left him broken for years." her dad said.

"Dad could be onto something here." Ethan said. 

Should I tell Zoe about what happened between me and Kimmy? Or should I say, Linda? I just don't know what to do anymore. 

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