Chapter 33: Three Weeks Left....

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One week later....

Zoe's POV:

A week has passed and me and Colby have been putting in a lot to effort to make sure that Jon's room was safe and secure. Hunter made a large donation to the hospital, to make sure that Jon got all the care he needed without any of us having to worry about the costs. I was so grateful for all of their help. 

I still hadn't left Jon's room since we found out about the ventilator. I didn't want to risk leaving his side. What if something happened while I was gone?

Jon made a very small improvement over the past couple of days but the doctors don't know if he has the strength to breathe without the ventilator. Colby had lost count of all the paperwork he read through and signed, but there was one particular document that never slipped my mind.

'If Mr Jonathan Good has made no improvements in the future (by 15/2/14, six weeks time) then _____________________ has the right to tell the doctors to turn off the ventilator.'

It was the hardest sentence that both me and Colby had ever had to read. He wrote my name on the empty line. Colby figured that since I was closest to Jon, I had the right to decide if the ventilator should be turned off and allow Jon to pass away. Everyone agreed with Colby's decision. Nobody argued. 

I had finally convinced Colby to go to work and compete in at least one match for the fans. He wouldn't budge but after some persuasion, he agreed but said he would come right back. 

I was left alone with Jon. The doctor came into the room and checked Jon's vitals, making sure that he was taking the right amount of medicine. 

"I was having a chat with some of my fellow co-workers this morning and we were hoping to test Jonathan's breathing and see if he is ready to come of the ventilator. We'll probably wait a few days so that he can gain some extra strength, then we'll test him." the doctor said.

"Okay." I said. I wanted to be happy with what the doctor said but I was too exhausted to show any emotions. 

"Just thought I'd let you know. I'll leave you to it." the doctor said, leaving the room. 

I looked down at Jon. What will it take to make him better again?


1 hour later.....

Joe had arrived to check up on me and Jon. 

"Do you need something to eat Zoe?" Joe asked. 

"I'm fine." I sighed. 

"I'm gonna grab you something to eat anyways. I can tell you haven't eaten for a while." Joe said. 

"Okay." I said. I was too tired to argue.

Joe ordered a pizza and a few minutes later, it arrived. Joe had spent another hour with me before asking for any updates about Jon and leaving. 

I was starting to feel too tired to keep my eyes open so I rested my head against Jon's side and tried to sleep, our fingers intertwined. 


1 week later.....

The doctors had tried to take Jon off the ventilator in order to check the strength of his lungs. It went well at first. Jon managed to last two minutes and twenty seconds, before he stopped breathing again. 

I felt my breath hitch as the machine started to flatline but the doctors assured me not to worry. They reattached to ventilator and the machine started beeping at a steady pace. 

At first, I was disappointed with the results. Jon was unable to breathe on his own and it has already been three weeks, which meant there was only three weeks left until I had to make the decision.

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