Chapter 36: Coming Back With The Power Of Love 💕

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Jon's POV:

All I could see was black. But, I could hear everything. I wanted to open my eyes but I didn't have the strength to. I wanted to be with Zoe but I couldn't. I felt too weak. I couldn't even breathe on my own. I heard people talking in my room. 

"Turn.....turn it off." I heard Zoe say. 

"He'll......he'll in a better place. I......I don't want him to suffer anymore." she said.

I smiled in my head since I couldn't physically do it. I loved how much she cared about me. But the real question was........Am I ready to leave Zoe?

"Are you ready?" I heard some man say. I'm guessing it was the doctor. 

There was silence for a while. I then felt Zoe leave a kiss on my forehead and hold my hand.

"I'm so so sorry." Zoe whispered in my ear. "I love you so much. I always have and I always will. Dead or alive."  

I just wanted to jump up and pull her into a kiss but I couldn't. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. This was it. My last few minutes on Earth before I was gone forever. There was silence again. 

After a few seconds, I was struggling to breathe. I felt like my lungs were yearning for the air that was right in front of me but I still couldn't reach it. The last thing I heard was Zoe crying before everything went white. 


I woke up and all I could see was white. I looked around for a bit until I met someone who had wings and a halo. Was I in heaven? The person looked at me. It was an angel. 

"You know Jon, I wasn't expecting you to give up so easily." the angel said. 

" do you know my name?" I asked, slightly confused. 

"Really?....You just died and you wanna know how I know your name?" the angel asked. "I'm an angel. I know everything."

"Sure you do." I muttered under my breath.

The angel glared at me. "Anyways, why did you give up so easily?" the angel asked. 

"I didn't want to. I couldn't breathe anymore." I explained.

"You should have tried.....for Zoe." the angel said, grabbing my attention. 

"I....I wanted to stay with Zoe. I wanted to so bad. I wanted to breathe by myself. I wanted to wake up but.....I couldn't." I explained, tears in my eyes. 

"You're Zoe's first love and you left her. Nobody could ever forget their first love. She might not be able to love anyone again." the angel said. 

"I don't want her to love anyone else." I said. 

I couldn't stand the thought of Zoe seeing another guy let alone love him. 

"You know what you need to do then." the angel said. "You need to go back to her."

The angel walked somewhere so I followed. We made it to some hole thingy where you could see everyone on earth. 

"Look at that." the angel pointed. 

I looked through the hole and saw my hospital room. I was lying dead on the bed. Stephanie and Hunter were crying in the corner. April and Renee were crying next to them. What really broke my heart was seeing Joe and Colby crying and hugging Zoe, who was on the floor next to my bed, crying her eyes out. I felt tears drip down my cheeks. I looked at the angel. 

"So, what are you gonna do?" the angel asked. 

I knew what I was gonna do. I was going back. There was no way I would give up that easily. There was no way I would leave Zoe. Zoe is my life and as long as Zoe is okay, I can stay alive. She's my lifeline.

I decided it was time to go. I felt myself become light headed as I collapsed. 


I felt myself on the hospital bed again and tried my best to breathe. I gathered all my strength and began to breathe in and out. 

I'm back....for Zoe and Zoe only......


Zoe's POV:




All our heads snapped towards the monitor. Jon was breathing......on his own. The doctors were just as shocked as everyone else in the room. Doctor Mathews was convinced that the monitor had a glitch and it would flatline again but it didn't happen. Jon's chest was gently rising and falling with every breath he took. 

"J-Jon?" I said, getting up and holding his hand. My tears stopped but then continued in a form of happiness. 

"Well, I'm afraid Mr Good is still in a coma but it looks like he's breathing on his own with no help at all." Doctor Mathews smiled.  

"He-he's alive?" asked Joe and Colby. 

Nobody could believe what they were seeing. Especially me. I smiled as I looked down at Jon. 

"Your love saved him Zoe." said Renee, putting her hand on my shoulder. 

"Your love gave him a reason to stay alive." said Stephanie as she wiped her tears. 

"It's a miracle." said Hunter and April. 

I looked at Jon. He was alive and that's all that mattered to me. 

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