Chapter 52: Almost Caught and Little Moments

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The Next Day.....

Zoe's POV: 

I sat down, scrolling through my phone. Jon was out with the guys so I was alone. I remembered that I had to do the washing. I got up and went to my bedroom to get my dirty clothes. I thought, if I was washing mine, I might as well wash Jon's for him. 

I went over to his suitcase and started taking his clothes out. Just as I was about to take the last piece of clothing out....

"Zoe, wait." 

I turned around and saw Jon, rushing towards me. 

"What are you doing?" he asked. 

"I was about to get my clothes washed so I thought I might as well get yours washed too." I explained. 

"Oh, well that's very sweet of you Zo, but I'll do it myself." he said, edging towards his suitcase. 

"Okay." I said, a little confused. 

I gave him his clothes back and left the room to get my clothes done. 

Jon's POV:

I was so glad I got back in time. I didn't want Zoe finding my diary. I'd needed to find a better place to hide it. I grabbed my clothes and went to get them washed. When they were done, I got back and put my clothes away, making sure my diary was well hidden. 


2 Days Later.....

Joe and April's Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties

Zoe's POV:

I was so excited to be a part of April's bachelorette party. Even though both Joe and April and technically not single, they still wanted to have a party before they were married. She only invited her closest friends to come. I got changed into one of my nicest outfits. 

It was a nice outfit that Jon had picked out and bought for me when we went shopping together

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It was a nice outfit that Jon had picked out and bought for me when we went shopping together. It was super cute. It was perfect for where we were going too. April didn't want to go to a club because she thought that everyone always went there for parties and plus, she wanted to actually remember her bachelorette party. We were going to go down to a really nice restaurant to eat and then, we were going to go to the arcade. 

Jon was getting ready to go to Joe's bachelor party. They were going to a club, of course. Where else could a guy have fun?

Jon came out of the bathroom, looking flawless as usual with his black shirt and jeans. 

"Someone wearing what I picked out?" Jon asked when he saw me. 

"Yeah." I said, smiling.  

"You do look beautiful." he said. 


"Do you not have a coat or something?" Jon asked. "It's cold outside Hun."

"I did have one coat but it got ruined in the wash. I need to get a new one." I explained. 

"Well, in the meantime..." he walked to our room and a couple of seconds later, he came out with his jacket. He placed the jacket on my shoulders, making me nice and toasty. 

"You wear mine." he said. 

"Thanks babe, but what will you wear?" I asked. 

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. 

"I got lots of other jackets I can wear." he said, kissing my cheek. 

He started kissing down to my neck, making me all fuzzy inside. 

"Jon.....we....have to go soon." I said. 

"We still have ten minutes." he mumbled, kissing my collarbone. 

I turned around to face him and we slowly backed up until my back hit the wall. He leant in and kissed me softly and very slowly. His breath tasted like mints. Even now, I still feel butterflies every time Jon kisses me. 

He pulled away and started kissing down my neck again, making me let out a moan. My phone vibrated, making Jon pull away. I grabbed my phone and saw Nikki had texted me telling me to come down to the lobby. 

"Jon, I need to go down." I said. 

"Aww, we were just getting started." he pouted. 

"Well, I promise, when we get back, we can spend the rest of the night together. My treat." I said. 

"Okay." he said, smiling.

"Good, I'm gonna go. Have fun with the guys and don't get too drunk." I said. 

"Alright mom." he said, chuckling. 

"That would be weird if you dated your mom." I said. 

We both shuddered at the thought and then laughed. I kissed him goodbye and left the hotel room, heading to the lobby. There, I saw April, Nikki, Brie, Natalya, Trinity, Renee and Mercedes. 

"Hi guys." I said, making them all turn to look at me. 

"Hi." they said.

"Wow Zoe, you look hot." said Brie and Natalya.

"Thank you." I said. 

"Awwww, is that Jon's jacket?" April asked. 

"Ummm, yeah, it's cold out and I didn't have my jacket so Jon gave me his." I said, blushing a little. 

"He is too cute." Mercedes and Renee said. 

"I wish John was like that." Nikki pouted. 

"We better get going before the restaurant closes before we get there." April said, chuckling.

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