Chapter 61: Main Targets 😈 - Jon and Zoe

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One Week Later.....

Zoe's POV:

Today was a normal day. Jon was out with his boys. I didn't really have anything planned. That was until I got a phone call.

"Hey Zoe, it's April."

"Hi, what are you up to??"

"Well, Renee and I were about to go out to eat. Do you wanna come with us??"

"Sure. I'll meet you in the lobby."

I put my phone down and picked a nice outfit to wear.

When I finished getting ready, I left the hotel room

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When I finished getting ready, I left the hotel room. I went down to the lobby where I met April and Renee.

"Hi girls."

"Hi." they both said. 

I looked at Renee who had a huge smile on her face. Something obviously made her very happy.


At The Restaurant

Renee, April and I all arrived at the restaurant and were seated. Renee was still smiling. She looked really happy about something.

"Today is honestly like the perfect day. I don't think anything could make it better." Renee said, smiling widely.

"I guess it is a nice day." April said.

"All I could hear are the birds chirping and there's so much happiness in the air and it's just amazing."

"Okay Renee, I've noticed for a while that you've been smiling non-stop. What has got you so happy??" I asked.

"Yeah, I noticed too. What's going on??" April asked. 

"You guys really wanna know??" she asked, still smiling.

"Yeah." April and I both nodded.



Jon's POV:

Joe, Colby and I were out. We had decided to go to a little bar not to far from the hotel. Colby seemed to be very happy. Every time I looked at him, he had a huge smile on his face. Something must've really made his day. 

"Isn't today a really good day??" he randomly asked.

"Urrr. yeah, I guess it is." Joe said.

"Do you think there will be a day even more perfect than today?? Because I really don't think so." 

"Colb, what has gotten you so happy?? You look like some kid on Christmas morning." I said. 

"You really wanna know???" Joe and I both nodded.



????? POV:

I watched from behind the bushes as Joe, Jon and Colby were walking into a club. Every time I saw them or even thought about them, it made my blood boil. Seeing them so happy angered me. After they sent my buddy to jail, I promised myself I would get them back for what they did.

I'd deal with Joe and Colby later. They weren't so important right now. My main targets were Zoe and Jon. I was going to make their lives a living hell. I was going to make them beg for mercy, beg for death and they wouldn't even get that.

I found out Zoe was with April and Renee. I was gonna get her first. Everyone knew that Zoe was Jon's weakness and he'd do anything to keep his precious girlfriend safe. The more I torture her, the more it'll break Jon and that's what I want.

I got up from behind the bushes and made my way to an alleyway next to the hotel. I knew Zoe would be coming back soon so I had to wait. I had waited so long to get my hands on them. I'm gonna make them pay for what they did to Barrett.


A/N: I know that was a short chapter but I have a really good one on the way. What do you think has gotten Renee and Colby so happy??

Who is this mystery person that wants revenge on Jon and Zoe??

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