Chapter 54: Thinking About Kids and Winning a Dean Ambrose Teddy

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Zoe's POV:

Just as Darrell's lips were about to touch mine, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and smacked him across the face. The look of shock appeared on his face. Actually, on everyone's face. 

"That is what you get for trying to get with someone who is already taken." I said. "You actually thought I fell for you, didn't you?"

Darrell looked mad but I didn't care. 

"You really thought that I would leave Jon, who has been the best boyfriend a girl could ask for, for you? No way. Honestly, I'd feel bad for the next girl that goes out with you. Who knows, you might go and hit on other girls whilst still dating her. I suggest you leave right now unless you wanna stand here and humiliate yourself further." I said. 

Darrell glared at me before leaving the restaurant. Everyone looked at me, shocked. 

"Wow Zoe, I actually thought all that was real." AJ said. 

"You had us all worried there." Mercedes said. 

I turned to look at Jon, who was looking at me, wiping his tears. I ran up to him, into a huge hug.

"I...I thought I lost you." Jon cried, burying his face in my neck. 

"I'm sorry baby. That guy had it coming though. He wouldn't budge." I said. We pulled away and looked at each other. "I love you, and only you." 

I wiped his tears and held onto both of his hands. 

"Come on, cheer up." I said. 

He smiled which made me smile. I pecked his lips and I took hold of his hand, both of us joining the others. 

"Well, I have some news that might lighten the mood." Brie said. 

"What's that babe?" Bryan asked. 

All us girls smiled at him. 

"Why are they all smiling at me? What did I do?" Bryan asked. "Did I do something?"

"Yes, yes, yes." all us girls chanted. 

"Guess who's going to be a father??" Brie asked, smiling. 

"No way, you're pregnant??!!" Bryan asked. 

Brie nodded and Bryan kissed her as everyone cheered. I was really happy for them. They were both going to start the next phase of their lives together. I felt eyes on me so I turned to see Jon staring at me. 

"What are you thinking about?" I asked. 

"Nothing." he said. 

Jon's POV:

What I was thinking about was what it would be like to have Zoe carry our child. If we ever decide that we wanted to have children, that is. I can't really be thinking like this. We've only dated for a couple of months. It's way too early. But the thought wouldn't leave my mind.

"So, are we still on for the arcade? Both parties have come together so we may as well." April said. 


Zoe's POV:

We all went to the arcade, where there were glowing lights and music playing. I found one of those machines where you put money in, to make little toys fall. 

There was a little WWE section which had little teddies with all the superstars t-shirts on

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There was a little WWE section which had little teddies with all the superstars t-shirts on. I saw a little teddy with a Dean Ambrose t-shirt on and it looked like it was close to falling. I grabbed a $5 bill and exchanged it for a bunch of 2 cent coins. I went over to the machine and started putting the coins in but the teddy wouldn't move much. 

I was down to my last coin and although the teddy was at the very end, it wouldn't fall. Sighing, I put my last coin in, thinking it wouldn't fall but when I heard music, I saw the little teddy had fallen. I smiled and picked the little teddy up. 

"What you got there, Hun?" I heard Jon say. 

"Look how cute this is." I said, showing him the little teddy. 

"Wow, I didn't even know they made these." Jon said, looking at the teddy. 

"Come on, let's play some more games." I said.


2 Hours Later.....

Jon's POV:

We all had lots of fun in the arcade and decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel. We called for a huge taxi that could fit all of us in. Weirdly, all the girls fell asleep whilst us men were still awake. 

When we arrived at the hotel, we all got out and had to carry the girls up to our room. Whilst we were walking to the elevator, Zoe woke up, yawning. 

"Go back to sleep babe, it's fine." I whispered. 

"But....we were meant to...have our night." she said, yawning.

"It's alright, that's not important. We could always postpone it." I said. 

"You're the best." she said, before falling back to sleep. 

I smiled as we got into the elevator and up to our room. I said bye to the other guys and walked into our room. I closed the door and lay Zoe down on our bed. I took her heels off and put them away. I decided to change Zoe so she could be more comfortable. It's not like I haven't changed her before. 

I grabbed one of my oversized shirts and a pair of leggings and changed her. Once she was changed, I tucked her in bed and went to change. Then, I got into bed and kissed Zoe's forehead before going to sleep. 


A/N: I know you guys were probably expecting smut. I was gonna write it but then I decided that I wasn't bothered. I promise I will write some smut so don't worry.

By the way, isn't Jon a sweetheart?? 💖

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