Chapter 37: A Magical Moment

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A/N: A huge shout out to @Sarah_BouBou_Barclay for all the votes on my chapters. Love you.



One Week Later....

Zoe's POV:

Jon's breathing had been constant and strong all week. The doctors did check ups twice everyday, to make sure that his lungs were strong enough to support themselves and they were.

Hunter had broke the news to the WWE Universe, that Jon was no longer in a critical condition. They also allowed him to keep his US title so he's still the longest reigning. 

Jon had been removed from the intensive care unit and placed in the recovery ward. I was now in his room more than before. It wasn't because I was upset. It was because I wanted to be by Jon's side when he woke up. 

Joe and Colby were making sure that I had three meals a day. Everything was going well, the only thing to make it perfect was for Jon to wake up. 

I had spoken to numerous therapists and selected a few that I thought Jon might like. I wanted Jon to go to therapy sessions so he could vent out all of his feelings and not feel insecure about everything. 


2 Days Later....

I was in Jon's room with Joe. He decided to spend the day with me so he could keep me company. 

"Do you think he'll wake up soon?" Joe asked. 

"I don't know." I said, sighing. "I'm getting bored of waiting."

"Yeah, me too. I'm gonna go and get some lunch. I think the canteen is serving tacos. You want one?" he asked. 

"Yes please." I said. 

I looked down at Jon's face, taking in all his perfect features. His face was blank, void of expression apart from his mouth which was slightly curved into a smile. 

His nose was still the same. I always thought that he had to most adorable nose ever. I don't know why. His eyes were open. 


"Whoa Joe wait!" I cried as Joe was about to leave the room to get lunch. 

"What?" Joe asked, confused. 

"Look at Jon's face." I said with a smile. 

Joe walked over and looked at Jon. I saw a huge smile grow on his face. 

"Oh my god!!! Zoe!!!" Joe jumped with happiness, giving me a hug. "I'll go and get the doctor."

Joe rushed out of the room, leaving me in my thoughts. Jon's eyes were open but it didn't look like he was awake. His eyes weren't moving and I could tell that he wasn't acknowledging anything around the room. 

Doctor Mathews rushed into the room, Joe not too far behind him. The doctor ran over to Jon and shone a flashlight in his eyes. 

"Well, both eyes are level so that's good. He should start responding soon. He'll probably blink in a few minutes once his brain realizes his eyes need moisture." the doctor said smiling.

"So does that mean that he's awake?" I asked, shocked at how quickly everything was happening. 

"At the moment, yes, but there is still a chance that he could slip back into a coma. Usually, the patient will start to move their hands and make grunting noises once they are about to fully wake up." he explained. 

"Thank you." Joe said. 

"No problem, just come and grab me if he gets any of those symptoms or he closes his eyes again." the doctor said as he left the room. 

I sighed in relief. Jon could be waking up. 

"I'll go get lunch." Joe said laughing. 

"Yeah." I replied, a huge smile on my face.

I looked back at Jon and saw his eyes blink. That was a good sign. His brain was sending signals to his eyes and now, we all have to wait for the signal to get to the rest of the body. 


One Hour Later.....

Me and Joe had eaten our lunch. Colby, Renee, April, Stephanie and Hunter arrived when Joe called them, telling them the good news. 

"Has anything else happened since you called me?" asked Hunter. 

"No, not yet, but the doctors said it will take a few hours. He can see people though. You have to put your face over his." Joe explained. 

"Really? Can we do it?" asked Colby and Stephanie. 

"Yeah, go for it. Make sure you smile. Jon blinks when he's happy." I said with a smile. 

Colby and Stephanie walked over to the bed and placed their heads over his, smiling. 

"Hi Jon." Colby grinned, waving. 

"Hi Jon." said Stephanie smiling.

Jon blinked. 

"He blinked!!! He blinked!!!" they both said excitedly.

I sat down and smiled as I watched everyone's reactions. It felt nice seeing everyone so happy after a depressing few weeks. It was kind of creepy seeing Jon asleep with his eyes open, but I was over the moon by the improvement. 


One Hour Later....

Stephanie and Hunter left and April and Renee had their faces over Jon's, watching him blink. I was sitting in a chair, holding Jon's hand and gently stroking his thumb. Joe and Colby were playing noughts and crosses on some scrap paper. 

I stared at Jon's face, smiling and rubbing his arm. The doctor said that human contact would help stimulate the brain more.

Renee and April were now sitting next to me, on their phones. I looked at Jon. He blinked again, keeping his eyes closed for twenty seconds. When he opened his eyes, his mouth opened. 

I smiled in delight. "Guys, Jon just opened his mouth."

Everyone gasped and smiled as they got up and stood near the bed. What made me really happy was the soft grunting noise that came from Jon's throat. Jon blinked again, but when they opened again, they moved from side to side. 

"Come on babe, you can do this." I whispered. 

"Come on bestie." whispered April and Renee. 

"You got this brother." whispered Colby and Joe. 

Colby left to get a doctor and returned a few minutes later. By this time, Jon's fingers were moving. Doctor Mathews did nothing. He just stood by Jon to make sure nothing bad happened whilst he awoke. 

Jon moved his head to the left to see me. I smiled as a single tear rolled down my face. 

"Jon?" I whispered. 

"Z-zo" Jon whispered back. I was guessing his voice was too weak to compete with the word. 

"Jon, I love you so much." I cried, getting onto the bed and hugging him as lovingly as I could. 

Third person:

Jon's hand moved weakly, making it's way to Zoe's back. Everyone watched as the loving couple hugged. Colby, Joe, Renee and April struggled to hold in their tears. It was a magical moment for everyone.

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