Chapter 30: Finding Comfort In Someone

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Colby's POV:

Me, Renee, Joe and April were still at the hospital after Zoe suddenly left. She didn't even tell us where she was going. We all went in to see Jon for a bit. I still can't believe he's in a coma. I felt like crying myself but I held my tears back. We stayed with Jon until the doctor said it was time for us to go. 

We left the room, walking down the corridor.

"Guys, we need to find Zoe." I said. 

"Yeah, who knows what state she's in." said April. 

"But we don't know where she is." said Joe. 

"We're gonna have to drive around town then." said Renee. 


10 minutes later....

Zoe's POV:

I was still sitting on the bench, drenched in rain. It was freezing cold outside and the only thing keeping me warm was the hot tears dripping down my face. I paid no attention to anything around me. I thought about Jon and Jon only. All of those amazing memories we shared together. 

"ZOE!!!!" Colby yelled, pulling me off the bench as lightning struck it, causing it to break. 

"Oh, thank goodness." he said, hugging me. 

I hugged him back, sobbing on his shoulder. I needed the comfort of someone right now. 

"Why did you walk out like that? You had us all really worried." Colby said, looking at me. 

I didn't know what to say so I started crying again. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Zoe." Colby said, hugging me again. 

He pulled away and looked at me.

"Come on. Let's get you back to the hotel and dry you off." he said, taking my hand. 


10 minutes later....

Me and Colby made it to the hotel and Colby texted everyone to say that he found me. 

"Tell you what Zoe. Go and have a warm shower and I'll make some hot chocolate for both of us. It looks like we'll need it." Colby said, pointing at our wet clothes. 

"Okay." I said blankly. 

I went to mine and Jon's room, which was still a mess. I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent anymore tears from escaping. I got a fresh set of clothes out and went to have a shower. I then changed my clothes and came out. 

I decided to wear one of Jon's over sized t-shirts with some leggings. I walked into the living room to see Colby in his PJ's, two large mugs of hot chocolate and some candies. 

"You're back." he said with a small smile. "Come on. I got all your favorite candies and I got the hot chocolate."

I smiled slightly and went to sit on the sofa next to him, grabbing the large mug. 

"Thanks Colbs." I said, taking a sip. 

"For what?" he asked, confused. 

"For everything. You've helped me so much. You're more than my best friend. You're my older brother. I really do appreciate everything that you've done for me." I said. 

"You're my little sister Zoe. I would do anything for you. I hate seeing you and Jon hurting." he said. 

I smiled slightly as the door opened to reveal Joe, April and Renee. 

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