Chapter 55: Chinese Lanterns 🎐

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up the next morning and felt an arm around my waist. I turned to my side and saw Jon sleeping, slowly breathing in and out. He had a small smile on his face and his hair covered his eyes. 

I moved his hair and just stared at him. I felt kinda bad for scaring him so badly yesterday. I just wanted to teach that guy a lesson. I needed to do something to make it up to him and I knew just the thing. 


15 Minutes Later.....

I got off the phone with Stephanie McMahon who gladly agreed to help me. Now, we just had to wait until Wrestlemania. I was so excited. I lay back down in bed and sighed. I realised that I was wearing one of Jon's tops. Awwww, he must've changed me. Bless him. I couldn't even give him the night that he wanted either. I guess I could give it to him tonight. 


In The Afternoon

Zoe's POV:

I was out with April, Renee, Colby, Joe and Jon. We were in the mall not really buying much, but just hanging out together. 

The boys disappeared in a shop so us girls went to sit in a little restaurant outside the shop. A couple of minutes later, they returned with a bag each in their hands. 

"What have you guys got in the bag?" April asked. 

"That is a surprise." Joe said. 

"Have you all got the same thing?" Renee asked. 

They all nodded. I wondered what it could be. 


A Few Hours Later.....

We all went to a really nice restaurant to eat and then, we went to the park. It was a beautiful starry night. All of us were lying down on the grass next to our partners, staring at the stars. 

"You know, I've heard when you die, you become a star." I said. "Or something like that."

"I think I heard that too somewhere." Jon said. "You know, if I could reach out and grab a star for you, I would."

"Awww, that would be sweet. I'm sure it would be beautiful." I said. 

"If it's next to you though, I'm pretty sure you'd take the spotlight." Jon chuckled. 

"Stop." I said, playfully punching his arm. 

"I'm serious though." he said. 


10 Minutes Later.....

We all got up and the guys went to get whatever they got out of their bags. 

"Finally, what did you guys get?" I asked. 

"Chinese lanterns." they said.

"Oh my god, I love them." April said. 

We all lit them up and released them into the sky. I rested my head on Jon's shoulder whilst he had his arm on my shoulders. 


A/N: This must have been the worst chapter I've written. I'm sorry!!!! I was just so ill yesterday, I couldn't stop vomiting and I had to go out with my family as well. When I got back, I went straight to bed. I promise I will have better chapters for you guys. 

I guess the main reason is that I've been working on another Dean Ambrose and my first ever Ambrollins story that will be published when I've finished all the other stories that I've currently working on. I've kind of left this story behind. I promise I'll make it better. 

Thanks for understanding. XOXO

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