Chapter 10: It Almost Happened....

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(Zoe's outfit-ignore bag thing and coat) ^

Zoe's POV:

I had lots of fun with Jon yesterday. I still can't believe that this is my life now. I really love it. When I woke up, I spoke to my brother and parents on the phone and then got ready for the day.

I was walking around town for a bit. Tomorrow we are leaving to go the next town so I thought I should enjoy Denver. I walked around in the park for a bit until I went to sit down under an apple tree next to the lake. I went on my phone and scrolled through Twitter. I had gotten over 500,000 more followers since last night. Lots of people were commenting on my interview.

@thenikkibella -great job on your first interview last night @WWEZoeBrooks. I had lots of fun filming it. 😉

@wweRollins - awesome interview @WWEZoeBrooks

@AJLeeWWE - I loved filming that interview with @WWEZoeBrooks #LoveYou

@WWERomanReigns - Loved the interview @WWEZoeBrooks keep it up 😃

@WWEDeanAmbrose - my favorite interview so far @WWEZoeBrooks I'm not much of an interview person but I loved it. I hope to see more 😍

It warmed my heart to see all of the positive tweets. Especially Jon's. I carried on scrolling on Twitter until I heard my name.

I turned around and saw Jon with a smile on his face.

"Hi Jon." I said as he walked towards me.

"Hi Zo, what are you doing here?" he asked, sitting down.

"Well I thought that today is our last day in Denver. I might as well spend some time looking around, you know." I said.

"Yeah." he said. "I was just taking a walk until I saw you."  

"So, where are Colby and Joe?" I asked.

"Do not get me started on them. I can't believe I survive rooming with them. They wouldn't listen to me and tidy their mess so I told them to get their asses off the couch and clean up or I would go into lunatic mode. And trust me when I say this, no-one wants to see that outside the ring." he said, chuckling. "I told them I wasn't coming back until they tidied up."

We both laughed. Joe and Colby are funny like that. We stopped laughing and looked at each other. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes as my heart started to flutter. My breathing became heavy and my palms started to sweat slightly. We started to lean in and just as our lips were about to touch, Jon's phone rang, making us both jump.

"Sorry about that." he said as he answered.

"Hey Colby." he said. "You tidied the room, did you?"

"You better have." he said. "Alright, I'm on my way." he sighed as he put the phone down.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm sorry Zo, I gotta go. I'll see you later." he said, kissing my cheek as he left.

I sat there trying to process what just happened. We could have almost kissed????!!!!


Jon's POV:

I was walking back to the hotel, thinking about what happened. I was almost about to kiss Zoe. Why?? Her chocolate brown eyes made my heart melt. I feel really happy around her. Why do I feel this way? Just me thinking about her is making me smile.

Before I knew it, I was in front of our hotel door. I got my key card out and opened the door. I walked in and closed the door. I turned around and to my surprise, the hotel room was actually tidy.

"We told you we would clear up." said Joe.

"Yeah, we aren't animals." said Colby.

"Yeah yeah." I said, walking to my room.    

"Is something wrong man?" asked Joe.

"You seem a little off." said Colby.

I sat on my bed and looked at them. I began to tell them everything.

"Well, I was walking in the park when I saw Zoe." I explained. "She was sitting under an apple tree near the lake and I went to join her."

"That's not.......terrible??" said Colby with a confused look on his face.

"I'm not done." I said. "Anyway, we started talking and laughing when we both kinda stopped and just.......stared at each other. heart was pounding and my breathing became really heavy. I don't know what that feeling was. We kinda leant in and we were almost about to kiss but then Colby rang me."

I looked up at the boys and both their mouths were wide open.

"What??" I asked.

"YOU LIKE ZOE!!!" they both screamed.

"Oh my god. Is this actually happening? Has the day finally come?" asked Colby.

"I can't believe it. I never thought this would happen." said Joe.

"Guys stop. I don't like Zoe. It must have been in the heat of the moment." I said.

"No, you like her." they said.

"No I don't. I can't have a girlfriend. I don't want my heart being broken again." I said.

"How will you have your heart broken?" asked Colby. "You talked to her on the phone for two years. You know what she's like."

"And you guys are always together. Zoe always spends the most time with you than with anyone else." said Joe.

They both have a point but I don't know if I can risk it.

"I'm gonna have to think about it. I gotta go." I said, leaving the hotel room.

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