Chapter 50: Funny Drunk

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up the next morning, feeling my head pounding. It felt like a thousand elephants just stamped on it. I held onto my head as Jon slowly stirred next to me and woke up. 

"You must have a bad hangover." he said. 

"Hangover?" I asked. 

"Yeah, you drank a lot last night." Jon said. 

"I drank? As in, I had alcohol?" I asked. 

"Yeah." he said.

"Oh god." I moaned, falling back onto the bed. 

"Wait." he said.

Jon got up and walked over to his bag, pulling out a little box and a bottle of water.

"Here are the painkillers for your head." he said, handing them to me. 

"Thanks." I said, taking the box. "So, what happened last night?" 

Jon's POV:

"You're gonna laugh." I said. 

"Why, did I do anything stupid?" Zoe asked. 

"No, you did kick a guy in the balls though." I said, making Zoe's eyes widen.

"I did what?" she asked, shocked. 

"Yeah, he was annoying you and you kicked him." I said. 

"What happened after that?" she asked.



"Zoe, you know, you're having a lot of drinks. I really think you should calm down." Colby said. 

"No. they taste good." Zoe slurred, putting her head on Joe's shoulder. "You know, your shoulder is really comfy. It's like a huge cushion."

"Whatever you say." Joe chuckled. 

"You're so cute." Zoe said, poking his nose. 

"Ambrose, I think you better take her, she's getting clingy." Joe said, chuckling. 

I laughed as I got up and swapped places with Joe. 

"Awww, JoeBear is gone. At least I have you." Zoe pouted, putting her head on my shoulder. 

"I want another drink." she said. 

"No, no more drinks." I said. 

"Please." she whined. 

"No, Zo." I said. 

"Ha, that rhymed."  she said chuckling. 

"She one of those funny drunks." Colby said, laughing. 

"Like you?" Joe said, gaining a glare from Colby. 

"I hear I'm very lovable when I drunk." Colby said. 

"Yeah, you're like Spongebob 2.0." I said, making everyone laugh. 

"At least Spongebob is fun." Colby said. 

"And annoying as hell." Joe said. 

"You're annoying." Colby said. 

"I think we better get Zoe home." I said. 

"How come?" Joe asked. 

I pointed at Zoe who was staring at her hand like it was the first time she'd ever seen it. 

"Come on Zoe." I said. 


I came back to the hotel with Zoe, Colby and Joe. 

"I'm with The Shield!!!" Zoe yelled. "You better not touch me, cause these guys will tear you apart." she said to some random guy.

"Sorry, she's drunk." I explained. 

"No problem." the guy said before walking away. 

We got to the elevator and went up to our room. 

"Hey, this place looks like our hotel room." Zoe said as I shut the door. 

"That might be because it is our hotel room." I said.

"Ohhhhhh, that makes a lot more sense." she slurred. 

I took my jacket off and put it to one side. I turned around and saw Zoe all over Colby. 

"Gosh, she's a hugger." Colby said. "I can't move.....or breathe."

I laughed and pulled her off. 

"No, I wanna stay with Ninja." Zoe whined. 

"Awww, I have a nickname." Colby said. 

I put her down changed my clothes. When I got back, I saw Zoe trying to look for her clothes. 

"Jon, am I meant to feel dizzy right now?" she asked, holding onto her head. 

I ran over to her as she fell unconscious right into my arms. She was too cute. I carried her over to our bed and tucked her in, knowing she was gonna have a terrible hangover in the morning.  I climbed into bed next to her and kissed her head before falling asleep. 

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