Chapter 6: We Part Ways

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Zoe's POV:

I woke up to the sound of clicking.

"They look so cute together." I heard.

"This is adorable." I heard.

As my vision was clearing up, I saw that my head was still on Jon's shoulder. His arms were wrapped around me as my arm was wrapped around his. His head was resting on my head. I looked up to see Joe, Colby, April and Celeste. Colby, April and Celeste were standing with huge smiles on their faces and Joe was taking photos of us sleeping.

"What??? How did you get in my room?" I asked.

"Your room door was unlocked." said April.

"I am totally shipping this." said Colby.

" Jon......he's just my friend." I said.

"Sure, that's why you were cuddling." said Joe.

"How long were you watching us?" I asked.

"Bout 5 minutes." said Celeste.

I tried to get up but Jon held onto me, cuddling me.

"Mmmm don't go." he mumbled.

"Jon, all your friends are watching us." I whispered in his ear.

He quickly shot up and saw everyone smirking.

"Yeah......I was just sleeping." he said.

"Right." they all said together.

"Ummmmm well.........I'm gonna go." said Jon, getting up and grabbing his jacket before kissing my cheek and walking out the room with Colby and Joe. The butterflies returned when he kissed my cheek.

"So are you and Jon a thing?" asked April.

"Um no, why would you think that?" I asked.

"Oh I don't know.......maybe because he just KISSED YOUR CHEEK!!!!!" said Celeste.

"I wasn't expecting that but we're not together." I explained.

"That's too bad." said April.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Jon has only had one relationship. And that was years ago." said Celeste.

"Yeah, since his breakup with his last girlfriend, he was heartbroken. He said that from then on, he was gonna forget about girls and just focus on his career. He says that he doesn't have a heart and he doesn't love but I can see the way that he looks at you. You could make him happy again." said April.


One month later.....

My vacation was over. I had lots of fun with everyone but I needed to get back home. I was in the lobby with everyone when all their phones buzzed.

"Oh my god!!!" said Jon.

"What??" I asked.

"I just got accepted in the WWE!!" he said.

"Congratulations." I said, giving him a hug. I was really proud of him.

"Me too." said Celeste.

"Same here." said Joe.

"And me." said April.

"Don't forget me too." said Colby.

"Congrats you guys." I said.

Then the taxi arrived. We all got in and drove to the airport. We all checked into the airport and were about to board our planes.

Everyone was gonna board the plane to Canada whilst I was going back home to New York. As all of Jon's friends started to board the plane, I was about to head to mine when I heard someone say, "Zoe wait."

I turned around and saw Jon run over to me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Um, I just wanted to say that I had lots of fun with you. I really hope that I bump into you again sometime." he said.

"One can only hope." I said as we both laughed.

"Anyways I wanted to you my nu-"

'Last call for flight 284 to Toronto, Canada. Please proceed to gate 37.'

Jon quickly got out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled something down before giving it to me.

"Bye Zo." he said giving me a hug and running to his gate.

I looked down at the paper and saw he had written his number down. I smiled and put it in my pocket before going to my gate. Little did I know that I would see him again.

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