Chapter 54: The Bachelor Party

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Jon's POV:

I went to the club and saw all of the guys. John, Bryan, TJ, Colby, Joe and AJ Styles. 

"Finally Jon. You took your time." Joe said. 

"Yeah, well, I was....kinda busy." I said. 

"Romancing with Zoe?" he whispered. 

"I guess you could say that." I said. 

"Come on." he said, playfully rolling his eyes. 

We walked over to the rest of the guys. 

"Hey." they all said. 

"Hey." I said.

We all sat down at a booth and ordered some drinks. Everyone went for the strong stuff like Vodka or lots of shots but I just went with a beer. 

"How come you're having just a beer?" Colby asked. 

"I don't really wanna drink much." I said. 

"Awww, did Zoe tell you not to drink too much?" AJ teased. 

"She did, but I don't feel like drinking much anyways." I said. 

"Yeah, sure. And when we tell you, you order all the alcohol in the freaking bar." Joe said. 

"Whatever." I said. 

"I actually can't believe how much you've changed because of Zoe." John said. 

"For better or worse?" I asked. 

"Obviously better." Bryan said. 

"I don't know if you noticed but you used to be so depressed before Zoe arrived and the only time you were actually happy was when you used to talk about her." TJ said. 

"Really?" I asked. 

Everyone nodded. I never did really notice. 

"And when Zoe arrived, you two were basically stuck like glue. The entire roster shipped both of you and you didn't even notice." Joe said. 

"What??? How could I not notice?" I asked. 

"Because you were always with Zoe and never with us so you never knew what we said about you two." Colby said. 

"And what did you guys used to say?" I asked, curious. 

"Just that you guys were cute together and the way you both looked at each other was adorable." John said. 

I looked down so nobody could see me blush. Luckily, it was quite dark so they couldn't see me. 

"We all know what you would do for her. I know never to mess with Zoe otherwise, you could destroy me like you did to Barrett." Bryan said. 

"And that felt so good. Barrett really should have thought about his future before going around and touching Zo like that." I said. 

"We can all see the love between you two, even before you got together. Hell, you had a picture of you and her as your lock screen for the two years you were apart and you never changed it." AJ said. 

"Well, I did miss her and every time I looked at it, I felt better." I admitted. 

"You are too cute." TJ said. 

"Never call me cute. Only Zoe can call me that." I said. 

"Yeah, you are too cute." Colby said.

Our drinks arrived and all the guys had theirs. I just looked at mine. I didn't know if I wanted it or not. A few years ago, I had a really bad drinking problem but all my friends helped me to get over it. Plus, Zoe didn't want me to drink much so I might as well not drink at all. 

The Jon that used to drink a lot was Jon Moxley. I didn't want Zoe to ever meet that crazy guy. Especially if we're gonna be in bed together. I killed him off a long time ago. I sighed and pushed my drink to one side. 

"You not having your drink?" John asked. 

"Nah, I really don't feel up to it." I said. "I really don't wanna be that guy again."

"How about we go to some restaurant instead? This place is pretty boring." Joe said.

"Might as well." Bryan said. 


We all got up and headed out of the club, walking down the road. We found a restaurant that looked pretty cool so we walked towards there. As we got closer, we could see all the people inside. 

"Hey, Brie's there." Bryan said. 

"And Mercedes." AJ said. 

I looked closer and saw Zoe. 

"Zoe's there too." I pointed out. 

"April's bachelorette party must be here. We should go somewhere else." Joe said. 

"Yeah." I said. 

Just as we were about to turn around, I saw all the girls talking to some random guy and it looked like they were getting pretty frustrated. 

"Wait guys. Something is going on in there." I said. "Follow me."


We went to the restaurant and walked inside. As we got closer to the girls and that guy, we could hear what was being said. 

"Didn't she tell you she's taken?" Natalya asked.

"Again, I still don't see her man around here." the guy said.

I felt my anger starting to rise. Is there any need to keep pestering a woman if she says she's taken? Maybe I could do something to make him stop. 

"Then maybe you should turn around." I said.

Zoe's POV:

The person was Jon. What was he doing here? The guy turned around and was face to face with him. All the other guys ran to their partners to check if they were okay. AJ and Mercedes, Brie and Bryan, Nikki and John, TJ and Natalya, April and Joe and Colby and Renee.

"So, you're the guy who this pretty lady has been talking about." they guy said.

"Yes, and I suggest you walk out of here right now if you know what's best for you." Jon said.

"And what if I don't?" the guy asked smirking.


"Hang on one second." I said.

I walked over to Jon and the guy. I looked at the guy right in the eyes. I grabbed the guy's hand, making him smirk.

"Zo??" Jon whispered.

"Zoe, what are you doing?" Colby asked.

"What I should've done when he first asked me out." I said.

"Zoe, are you in your senses right now?" Nikki asked.

"Yes, I'm perfectly normal." I said.

"Zoe, you can't be heartless like this. You can't just leave Jon like that." Joe said.

I looked at Jon who looked heartbroken. I bit the inside of my cheek and turned to face the guy.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Darrell." he said.

"Well Darrell, there's been something that I've been meaning to do." I said. "And why not do it in front of everyone. Especially Jon."

I looked at him and saw a single tear roll down his cheek. Joe and Colby went over to comfort him. I turned back round to look at the guy. He was smirking.

He starting leaning in and I stayed where I was. Everyone gasped.

"Zoe, don't do this to me, please." I heard Jon cry.

I closed my eyes as Darrell's lips got closer to mine.

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