Chapter 48: The Royal Rumble

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2 Weeks Later.....

The Royal Rumble

Zoe's POV:

"I'm so freaking excited Zoe. I don't even have words to describe how I'm feeling right now." Jon said, jumping up and down in excitement. 

I chuckled at his childlike ways. 

"What are you laughing at?" Jon asked. 

"You are so adorable, you know?" I said. 

"I know." Jon said, smirking. "I was surprised Joe and Colby let me come."

"Me too, I thought they'd tell you to stay behind." I said. 

"Colby told me he's number 26 and Joe said he's 24. I can't wait to see their faces when they see me." Jon said. 

"They'll be shocked as hell." I said. 

Jon put his ring gear on and then, put a hoodie and sweats on top, since nobody knew he was competing. 

He sat down on the couch so I lay down, my head on his lap. Since Jon was number 30, he had about an hour to kill. I felt him stroking my hair as he started talking. 

"You know, this is my second Royal Rumble match but it's my last one with The Shield." Jon said. 

I pouted. "Hey, don't feel down. When The Shield does split up, it's not like you guys will split outside of the ring. I've seen your bond with them. You're brothers, and that's never gonna change."

Jon smiled and leant down to kiss me. After a few seconds, one peck turned into a full on make out session. I ended up sitting on Jon's lap, my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. His arms were around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. 

"Hey Jon, I just wanted to check on yo-" we heard. 

We both pulled away and saw Colby standing by the door, his cheeks tinted pink. 

"Are you actually serious right now Lopez?" Jon asked. 

"Not my fault. You should really put a 'Do not Disturb' sign on the door." Colby said. 

I quickly got off Jon's lap and sat next to him on the sofa. 

"Sorry Zoe....again." Colby said. 

"It's fine." I said, a little embarrassed. 

"I'm gonna get you back Rollins." Jon said. 

"And how's that?" Colb asked, smirking. 

"Just wait and see." was all Jon said. 


1 Hour Later.....

Jon's POV:

I was now standing by the gorilla with Zoe. Number 29 just went and I had two minutes to get myself ready. 

"You got this Jon." Zoe said, staring into my eyes. 

"I hope I do." I said. "I just hope the crowd will like it."

"They will. Everyone here has missed our lunatic fringe." Zoe said, ruffling my hair. 

I smiled and leant down to kiss her just as my theme played. I pulled away and Zoe gave me a thumbs up before I left for the ramp. I got into lunatic mode and made my way to the ring. The crowd was roaring with cheers.

"THE LUNATIC FRINGE!!!!" one of the commentators said. 

"DEAN AMBROSE IS BACK!!!!" said another commentator. 

I saw Joe and Colby and they looked shocked. I got in the ring as the crowd chanted 'We love Ambrose.'

The only people left in the ring were me, Joe and Colby. The whole arena had gone silent as everyone seemed to wonder what would happen next. 

I smirked at Colby and he seemed to get the idea that I was gonna get him back now. I ran for him, clotheslining him, sending him over the top rope. Now, it was me and Joe. I turned around and saw him about to spear me so I quickly moved for him to land into the turnbuckle. 

I pulled him out and gave him a Dirty Deeds. I then ran over to the top rope and threw him over. Then, I heard the bell ring. That's it. I WON!!! 

"Here is your winner, Dean Ambrose!!!" 

I was shocked. I couldn't believe I won. I was gonna main event Wrestlemania. Colby and Joe came back into the ring and lifted me up on their shoulders as we all celebrated. 

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I was still in shock

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I was still in shock. I couldn't believe what was happening. Me and they guys all heard the crowd cheered even louder, confusing all of us. We all looked towards the ramp and saw Zoe coming to us, making me smile. 

She got in the ring and the boys put me down. We both stood in front of each as we heard the crowd chant, 'Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss.'

I looked at the crowd, and then back at Zoe, who was smiling. I cupped her cheek and pulled her into a kiss, earning a huge roar from the crowd, chanting, 'Zean, Zean, Zean!!!'

We pulled away and engulfed each other in a huge hug. 

"I'm so proud of you." I heard Zoe whisper. 

I kissed her neck and then pulled away. 

"Let's give it up for Dean Ambrose!!!" Zoe yelled, raising my hand and the crowd cheered and fireworks exploded. 

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