Chapter 19: 🎉 Happy New Year 🎉

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New Year's Eve

Zoe's POV:

I sat on my bed, thinking about what Jon said about me that night. I heard everything. I was about to fall asleep when I felt the bed dip and I knew it was Jon. Then he started talking and he said.....he said he loves me. Jonathan Good loves me!!! I was so happy but I didn't get up to say it back because I was scared. Scared of his reaction but I don't know why. 

"Zo, are you okay?" asked Jon. 

I jumped before I looked at him. 

"You've just been sitting on the bed, thinking about something these past couple days. Is everything okay?" he asked, sitting next to me. 

"Everything's fine Jon." I said. 

"Are you sure?" he asked, grabbing my hand, creating butterflies in my stomach. 

"Well, I-" I said before getting interrupted.  


We were in New York so Me, Jon, Colby, Renee, Joe and April thought we should go to Times Square and watch the ball drop as it reaches midnight. It was only 9 o'clock though so we had some time to kill. We were gonna go explore New York City. 

"WE'RE COMING!!" yelled Jon. He then turned back round to face me. "Tell me after okay?" 

I nodded as I smiled. We got up and I quickly checked my outfit.  

We walked out of our hotel room and saw Colby, Renee, Joe and April

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We walked out of our hotel room and saw Colby, Renee, Joe and April. 

"You guys finished your business, huh?" asked Colby smirking. 

Jon rolled his beautiful blue eyes. Yeah I called them beautiful, don't judge me. 

"We weren't doing anything." Jon said. 

"Or so you say." said Joe. 

"Oh shut up." Jon said as he chuckled. 

"Wow, Zoe, you look hot." said April. 

"Thanks." I said. "Actually, I didn't pick this. Jon did." 

"Really??" asked Renee, Joe, Colby and April. 

"Yeah, he's got a great taste in fashion. We went shopping the other day and he picked a whole bunch of cute outfits for me." I said. 

"Wow, Jon has turned into such a big softie." said Renee. 

"Hey, I wanted my girl to look hot, okay. And she does. She looks hot and her outfits aren't revealing which is good because I don't need any other men checking her out. Only one guy can do that and that's me." Jon said proudly. 

"Awwwwww." everyone said, making my face go red and hide it in Jon's chest. 

"Joe, why aren't you cute like them?" asked April. 

"What?? I am very cute with you future Mrs Anoa'i." said Joe. 

April playfully rolled her eyes as she hugged Joe. Renee looked at Joe and April smiling. Colby noticed and hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek. 

"Aaaa!!" she yelped.

"Relax, it's me babe." he said. 

"You shouldn't sneak up on me like that." she said, smiling. 

"You love it." he said. 

"You know I do." she said, kissing his cheek. 

I looked at both couples. There was so much love and happiness and cuteness and I didn't want it to end. Then I felt Jon kiss my cheek from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. I kissed his cheek, making him smile. 

"Okay, let's go now." said Joe. 


2 minutes to midnight.....

Zoe's POV:

We all stood together, looking at the ball and taking pictures. I started thinking about the amazing things that happened this year. 

"Whatcha thinking about?" asked Jon. 

"Just how fast this year has gone. I got a job in the WWE, we're both together, so much has happened." I said. 

"And I'm glad I spent it with you." said Jon, making me blush. 

"10!! 9!! 8!! 7!! 6!! 5!! 4!! 3!! 2!! 1!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" everyone screamed as the ball made it to the bottom. 

I turned around and gave Jon a big kiss. Colby was kissing Renee and Joe was kissing April. We both pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. 

"I love you." we both said at the same time. 

Our eyes widened and we both smiled, hugging each other and tears of joy falling down my face. 

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