Chapter 21: Justice For Zoe

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Jon's POV:

"Barrett......he......he tried to.....rape Zoe." Colby said. 

"No, no, no. Tell me you're lying. Please tell me you're lying." I said, panicking. 

"I'm sorry Jon. I'm not lying. I was looking around for Zoe when I heard crying coming from some closet. I opened the door and saw Barrett just about know. I can't even say it. I just.....I beat him up and left him in the closet and I saw Zoe and she....she was just frozen. She wouldn't respond to anything." Colby explained. 

"Oh my god!!" said Joe. 

I felt tears fall down my face. I looked at Zoe, who was still sitting with a blank face, her cheeks wet with tears. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. 

"I....I'm so so so sorry Zoe. I shouldn't have left you alone. I....I should have tried to protect you. I know, I'm a horrible boyfriend that failed to keep you safe. I feel terrible and I should have tried to help you. Just....please don't leave me Zoe. I'm nothing without you. Please." I cried. 

I felt Zoe squeeze my hand but she was still blank. I felt horrible for everything. She was in danger and I wasn't there for her. 

"I'm gonna go tell Stephanie and Hunter." said Joe, walking out. 

I suddenly felt anger rising in me. 

"Colby??" I said, making him turn to face me. 

"Where's Barrett??" 


I was walking to the closet where Colby told me Barrett was. I left him in the locker room to look after Zoe. I wasn't gonna leave her alone for even a second but I know I can trust Colby. I found the closet and saw Barrett still lifeless on the ground. Colby must have given him a good beating. But I can give him a better one. 

Just looking at his face made my blood boil. I was about to pounce on him when someone pulled me away. I looked and saw Joe with Stephanie and Hunter. 

"Jon, what are you doing? Do you wanna get fired?" he asked. 

"I don't care if I get fired or not. He laid his hands on Zoe and I'm not gonna let that slide." I said. 

"Actually Joe, let's do one thing." said Stephanie. 

Stephanie and Hunter told us what they were planning and I was all in for it. 


In the ring

I went out to the ring from the ramp instead of the stairs. I wasn't in the mood for creating a whole entrance. Joe was backstage with Colby and Zoe. The WWE Universe was confused as to why I was in the ring but they still cheered because they like me. 

They kept chanting 'Zean, Zean, Zean'. I guess they were expecting Zoe to be with me. It only saddened me that they were chanting that because the last time they were, it was during our interview and we were so happy and everything was fine then. 

"So, you guys might be wondering why I'm back again." I said. "I am here to deliver justice." 

The crowd cheered. 

"But you see, I'm not here to deliver justice to any of the men in the locker room. I'm here to deliver justice for my girlfriend." I said. 

The crowd chanted Zoe's name over and over which only motivated me more. 

"You see, a certain superstar decided it would be right to lay their hands all over her. He decided to rape her. And.....and because of that, she....she's in.......she's in a trauma." I said as the crowd gasped.

It really hurt me to say that sentence. I couldn't even say the full sentence without tears flooding my eyes. It wasn't Dean Ambrose who was in the ring. It was Jonathan Good. And it felt really weird.  

Suddenly, the Authority's music played which made the crowd boo. Out came Stephanie, Hunter and they had Barrett, who Hunter was dragging on the floor. Everyone was really confused. They all got in the ring and Hunter lay Barrett in front of me. 

"He's all yours Dean." he said, making the crowd cheer.  

I looked at his face in disgust. Every time I saw his face, I saw an image of Zoe traumatized, scarred. It only angered me and I went right after him. The crowd cheered as I threw him through the steel steps and on the commentator's table. I threw him onto the barricade. I got tables and chairs and sledgehammers and everything I could possibly use to hurt him. I wasn't doing it for me though. I was doing it for Zoe. 

I delivered Dirty Deeds after Dirty Deeds after Dirty Deeds. After about a good 15 minutes of beating his ass, his face was covered in blood and I dropped him in the middle of the ring. 

"You mess with Zoe, you mess with me!!!" I screamed in his face. 

Then the police arrived as everyone cheered and chanted, 'Thank you Ambrose. Zoe loves you. Thank you Ambrose. Zoe loves you.' It warmed my heart as the crowd carried on chanting. 

The police officers put handcuffs around Barrett's wrists and before they were about to take him, Stephanie stopped them. 

"Wait just a second." she said, making the crowd go silent and making me confused. Even Hunter. 

"Barrett, you forcefully laid your hands on a WWE employee and that type of behavior is absolutely unacceptable and disgusting. Me being a women, I can understand what Zoe must be going through right now. And me knowing that there are loads of other women in the business who could be your next victim, I want to make sure they they don't go through the same thing that Zoe went through. And I also don't want Zoe coming out of her trauma only to be terrified that you will go after her again. It disgusts me to have an employee like you and there is no space for people like you in this company, so Barrett, YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" Stephanie screamed, making the crowd go crazy. 

Hunter looked pretty shocked but I could tell he agreed with the decision. I was completely fine with it. With Barrett gone, I know my Zoe will be safe. 

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