Chapter 7: My New Job

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Two years later.....

Zoe's POV:

It's been two years since I last saw Jon when we were in LA. Or should I say Dean Ambrose. That's his ring name. Ever since LA, I've been watching him on WWE. I gonna be honest, over the past two years, my feelings for him got stronger which I guess is kinda ridiculous because number one, there would be no way that we would ever be together and two, he must have a girlfriend by now, even if he would say that he doesn't love.

I do talk to him on the phone by phone call or text but we haven't properly met. And if we had a conversation, it would probably last about two minutes because of his busy schedule. 

I graduated New York University early and applied for a few reporter jobs. I was really hoping that I find a job soon. I saw my brother Ethan on his Segway that I got him. He's now sixteen but still acts like my older brother.

"Hey sis, what are you up to?" he asked.

"Just thinking." I said.

"Do you wanna go to the park? We never go out much, plus I'm meeting my friends there." he said.

"Yeah sure, let me get ready." I said.


I was sitting on a bench in the park while Ethan met his friends. I saw a group of tourists walking around with cameras. It reminded me of the time I was with Jon at the Santa Monica Pier.


I was on the pier with my camera taking some pictures of the landmarks.

"Hey." someone said.

I jumped and turned around to see Jon.

"Holy cow, you scared me." I said, playfully punching him.

"That was my intention." he said laughing. "It's beautiful out here, isn't it?"

"It sure is." I said.

"Like me right. I'm hot." he said.

"Are not." I said.

"Yeah I am." he said smiling.

"Nu uh." I said.

Then I felt myself being picked up. I looked down and saw Jon.

"Jon, what are you doing? Put me down." I said.

We were at the edge of the pier.

"Imma chuck you in there."  He said.

"No please don't." I said laughing.

"Say I'm hot." he said.

"Never." I said.

He leaned closer towards the water.

"Aaaarrrggg!!  I screamed. "Okay okay, you are soooo hot."

He finally put me down.

"I'm happy now." he said.

"You're such an ass."  I said.

"I'll put you in there." he said.

"You'rethebestestandnicestguyever." I said quickly.

"That's better." he said as we both laughed.


"Zoe." said Ethan, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry what?" I said, snapping back to reality.

"I said, shall we shall we go home?" he said.

"Yeah come on." I said.


We got home and I went straight to my computer to see if I got any e-mails from any companies. I looked and saw one e-mail in my inbox. I opened it and my heart almost stopped.

To Zoe Brooks,

We are writing to inform you that we would love to have you as a reporter/interviewer in the WWE. As you may know, we travel a lot so it will mean that you will have to leave home but we really like what you do. Please respond as soon as you can so we can set everything up.


The WWE want me to be a reporter?? But that will mean I will have to leave home. But it also means that I will see Jon. What do I do?


I called everyone to the table.

"What's the matter, Sweetheart?" asked my mom.

"Is everything alright?" asked my dad.

"I have received an email from a company who would love to have me as an interviewer." I said.

"That's great sis." said Ethan.

"Yeah that's amazing." said Dad.

"The only thing is that I won't be able to stay home." I said.

"What? What do you mean, Honey? " asked Mom.

"The company that e-mailed me was WWE." I said.

"The wrestling one that travels all the time?" asked Dad.

"Yeah." I said.

"Is it something that you really want to do?" asked Mom.

"Yeah." I said.

"Then you should go for it." said Dad.

"Really?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah. If your heart is telling you to go for it then do go for it." said Mom.

"You should do what makes you happy." said Ethan.

"Thanks for understanding guys." I said, giving them all a hug.

WWE, here I come.

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