Allen × Kanda (Unique)

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As requested by 2john367 here is Yullen. I will say one thing don't hate the story!  I tried my very best! ~Lady Night

Allen walked down the hallway of the order and was having a beautiful carefree day with no problems until, he crashed into a purple haired pretty boy samurai. (A/N mouthful)

Almost as soon as Allen regained his balance he heard an audible "Tch." He glared at the pretty boy samurai in front of him. "What Bakanda am I a nuisance to you!?"

"How is a beansprout like you a nuisance."

"My name isn't beansprout it is Allen!"

At this point in time Allen and Kanda were screaming at one another with their innocence activated. (*From afar in a dark corner was a certain someone recording what was happening*) The boys were seperated by Komui and by Lavi. (A/N trust me when I say they didn't get away without one of them getting hurt.)

Allen walked away to enter the cafeteria only to run into you. You smiled at him and then said, "Hey Allen I'm having a sleepover, come with?" After Allen agreed you giggled and went to find Lenalee after all you and her were the only ones who would be able to enact this plan.

*sleepover time*

You smiled when you noticed that Allen had arrived and then after a few moments the other destined man arrived otherwise known as the hard headed stubborn sword wielding pretty boy Kanda. How you got him there was a mystery....well maybe you blackmailed him by saying you wouldn't bother his sword and meditation training for a month, and threatened to spread a photo of him dressed in a dress...lets just say you were the expert spy along with another girl in the order when it came to pretty boys.

In fact through all of your stalkin-... I mean spying you had found out that Allen and Kanda hold feelings for one another. No matter how spiteful they act outwards to one another they just can't say what they truly feel. So this sleepover was for them to figure out what they felt for one another.

You smiled and when Kanda noticed who was next to you he immediately glared. When he was about to leave you innocently said, "Well I guess I'll just share that photo with everyone now." He froze turned back and entered the room with a huff or more like a che. He sat down next to Lenalee, when you announced let us play games!

You first played 2 truths and a lie, then poker where Allen cheated and you caught him, then it was time for you to play the most dangerous and most fun game..... truth or dare. You smiled and said, "I go first."

You asked Allen truth or dare. He responded with truth. You told him to tell you who he liked as a whisper in your ear. He froze then did so for he had too. He whispered in your ear and you smirked it was Kanda. Then it was Allens turn. As revenge when you chose dare he told you to kiss your favorite person. You smirked and then said, "Gladly! Follow me!" You ran out of your room not caring that you were wearing sweats and an old t-shirt. You ran into the science division and kissed Johnny on the cheek. He blushed a fiery red and Allen just gaped at you.

You and the gang went back to your room where you then dared Kanda to sit next to Allen. They both glared at you and you simply smiled. After a few more rounds you finally dared Kanda to make a move on the one he liked. He froze and then just as immediately grabbed you and Lenalee and threw you guys out of the room. You smiled he didn't kick out Allen. You then walked with Lenalee and told her that you were gonna crash in her room.

*Just the boys now*
"Kanda you threw Y/N out of her own room and left me behind."

"Che I know that beansprout."


Just to prove it to Kanda Allen leaned into him and their faces were really close amd just then Allen lost his footing and ended up kissing Kanda. Kanda's eyes widened but he kissed Allen back, they deepened the kiss and after that happened they talked about what the kiss meant to them. They continued to talk until they both passed out in each others arms.

When it was morning the two woke up only to hear two squeals coming from you and Lenalee. Then you took a picture and said, "Wait please tell me you didn't do the deed on my bed!" Allen blushed a tomato red at your words and you then smirked and laughed. They didn't do the deed but something did happen between the two of them.

You noticed Kanda moving towards you only to see you already running away with the camera. You went and hid it with the one person Kanda couldn't harm or threaten, the head nurse. When you head back to your room you seem to notice that Kanda didn't take after you. You entered your room to see Allen still a tomato beet red and then you giggled like a true Yaoi girl and said, "So what did happen last night if you two didn't do the deed?" Lets just say you found out they kissed, and Kanda had tried to murder you again until you pushed Allen into his arms causing them to collapse and having Allen kissing him yet again. You smirked and walked off after seeing that your job was done.

LN: Welp wasn't that an interesting one shot. Since 2john367 didn't really specify what to write about in the Yullen request I decided to write this interesting piece.
Lenalee: You did a good job Lady Night.
LN: No I did a horrible job I have no idea if my story is any good. I can wrote better!!! Oh and you can call me Night, Lenalee.
Allen: Why does she get to call you that!?"
LN: Well cuz she's so caring to everyone!
Allen: But...
LN: Oh shut it! Please readers make requests and if you want a specific thing written in it, just ask. Oh and if you want a lemon just specify by saying Lemon. I will write for any character! I have another one shot done and I'll update it when I have time to do so! Enjoy! 

My original work is only posted on Wattpad, no other websites have my consent for my work to be posted on it. I'm referring to They have taken my work with no prior consent or knowledge on my behalf. 

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