Lavi × Shy Reader

937 22 4

LN: Well I did promise this even though it is really late.
PF: Get back here and help me tape this wall back together. *currently trying to fix the broken 4th wall*
LN: *sighs* Just leave it be!
Allen: *shaking head* It is all your fault baka-author after all you did break the wall.
LN: ..... *pins Allen down to the ground* Please readers ignore this squabble and go on and read this one shot.

Y/N was currently waiting in the headmasters office. The headmaster was currently burried under a pile of paperwork,...well more like piles. You watched as he looked for your schedule. He then popped up and out of one pile to hand you your schedule.

You took it and gratefully were about to leave when he told you that a student was going to show you around. You sighed and looked up when you bumped into someone. He was cute with red hair, and green eyes. He also had an eyepatch. Your face turned red and you stuttered out an apology.

He laughed and said that his name was Lavi. You stuttered out your name. "Y-y-y/N-n."

He smiled and took your schedule out of your hand and began to look at it. He then motioned for you to follow him. You walked over the whole school while he chatted and showed you around, pointing out the cafeteria and the theater as well as the gym. You were quiet and shuffling from foot to foot. He then finally stopped at a classroom and said. "Well this is your first class. See ya inside!" He walked in and you nervously entered the classroom.

Heads turned in your direction and the teacher turned in your direction. He was old looking with glasses and he had a paintbrush in his hands. You looked around and saw that this was an art class. The teacher smiled at you and motioned for you to come over to him. You did and you couldn't help but think that he was very fatherly in his ways of speaking.

*time skip*

You had been going to school with a while now and still haven't made any new friends. Lavi tried to get you to hang out with him and his group, but you were to shy. Finally one day you ran into a person in the library who was writing in her journal. She seemed nice and very pretty.

You tried to get out of your shell and walked up to her. You asked her if you could be friends and what her name was. She smiled when she looked up and said, "My friend's usually call me LN, but I go by Angel."

*4th wall Maria had been pulverized and stepped on by giants* *PF screams at LN for breaking the wall again and gives up trying to save it.*

You smiled and said, "I-I'm Y-y/N-n."

She smiled and said, "Nice ta meet cha!"

*time skip*

You made friends with Angel and she was pretty nice and social with you. Oh who were you kidding she was the exact opposite of you. She was daring, courageous, strong-willed and opinionated. Yet she still spent time with you, little ole you who was weak and demure in contrast to her.

You and her would often talk about boys, well mostly her and you were a blushing mess the whole time. She found out that you developed a wee crush on a red head, which she almost immediately found amusing. She then began to invite you to her house, you accepted because it was your first time ever being invited over to another persons house.

*time skip*

You arrived at Angels house and when you knocked you were surprised to see a girl with purple hair and green highlights open the door. She looked at me and said, "You LN's friend?"


"Oh Angels friend."


"Well come on in. I'm PF, otherwise known as Aya. I'm also Angels friend. We've known each other about 14-15 years now."

You were quiet, this girl was talkative and social. You were on the other hand like a mouse. She led you to Angels room. Where Angel was typing on a computer and giggling ever so lightly about something. She turmed around and then she motioned to Aya.

Aya smiled and led you to sit down on the bed. They both then began to undo your hair and style it. They also explained that when they had free time they would publish stories online. You sat there when you all heard a knock on the door. Angel yelled out its open. They were done doing your hair and were painting your nails now.

You looked up to see none other than Lavi enter the room. He looked at Angle and told her that dinner was ready and that we should all go downstairs to eat. Angel smiled and said, "We're coming Nii-chan."

You were shocked, and then your face turned even red, it was obvious they both had red hair, and green eyes. Oh my heavenly disaster you thought. Angel smiled and helped you up. She told you not to touch anything for 5 minutes and led you and Aya out the door and into the kitchen where a small man hobbled about. He was old and from the way Angel and Lavi were helping him out he was family. They both called him Oji-san, grandfather.

I ended up finding out that both Lavi's and Angel's parent left this world when they were both 4. Oh and that Angel so happened to be Lavi's faternal twin sister who was older by 12 minutes.

*time skip*

To say that Angel didn't plan this out was an understatement since as of now you were locked in her room with Lavi. You were uncomfortable and nervous and jumped when he placed a hand on your shoulder. He looked slightly hurt at your reaction and asked if you hated him. You shook your head no, and flushed a serious red.

He looked at your flushed face and leaned in when he noticed you become more red, he then knew why your were shy around him and all blushy. He leaned in and kissed you lightly on the cheek and whispered, "I like you Y/N."

Lets say you recipricated his feelings and when he kissed your lips you ended up fainting from an overwhelmed and flushed face. All the while Angel and Aya walked into the room and saw you unconscious and a rather happy Lavi. You pointed at your brother and asked...

"So why are you in my room? You do know that the door doesn't lock right?"


My original work is only posted on Wattpad, no other websites have my consent for my work to be posted on it. I'm referring to They have taken my work with no prior consent or knowledge on my behalf. 

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