Allen X Reader

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Requested by rosequeen23

You ran towards the room the Order had placed your boyfriend Allen in. You ran and ran and ran until you made it there only to see the traitorous bastards holding him down. You immediately used your cry to blow them out of the way. Only to then be held down by 4 crow.

Tears fell from your eyes while they stated that Allen had used his 14th power to influence you to fall in love with him. You opened your mouth and yelled at them, "You d*mn f*ckers he didn't influence me at all! You can all go rot in hell!" You felt something hit the back of your neck causing you to collapse in on yourself.

*time skip*

When you woke up you felt something around your wrists only to be met with restraints. You struggled against them only to hear Lenalee tell you to stop. "Why should I you gave up on him Lenalee! How dare you call him your friend, your family if you don't even help him out!" She left the room after that. 

*time skip*

After about 2 weeks you were let go from your restraints and while you walked down the hallways you heard people murmuring words against Allen. You then heard someone mention you and him, something along the lines of, "Have you seen Y/N lately she looks like a zombie, that traitorous Noah certainly did a number on her no didn't he?" 

You let your presence be known then when you walked passed them letting them know that you have heard everything and your steely ice cold e/c eyes scared the living sh*t out of them. You walked into the cafeteria hearing words like oh look there is the traitors girl, she's probably one to, that things girlfriend.

You let them say these things, but you had been planning to save him for a while and Johnny was helping you. He was one of the few who had been adamant in helping you free Allen, he was a true friend.

The both of you had devised a strategy to get him out and you were going to activate it tonight. 

*time skip*

You ran after having knocked out the crows that had been watching over Allen and began to make your way to Allen. You made it into his room to be greeted by Allen.


Overcome with happiness you threw yourself at Allen and kissed his cheek. You then grabbed his arm and screamed at the wall. The wall then crumbled and you told Allen, "Will you come with me and leave the Order behind?"

"Y/N.... I want too, I really do, but I'm the 14th."

"I don't care about that Allen! I love you for who you are, not what you are. I am also not afraid of the fact that you are a Noah."

You placed your hand on his cheek and kissed him lightly on his lips and asled him again. "Will you come with me?"

Allen let a small smile light his face and he nodded his head. You both then jumped out of the hole in the wall. Landing safely for Timcampy had stretched out and grew bigger. You both then ran away from the Order, leaving behind the people who betrayed you both, all but Johnny.

*time skip to a few years*

In all honesty you and Allen had some difficulties along the way, but you both overcame them and continued your journey. Akuma showed up a few times, but you both defeated them with ease. A few years had passed and you both were in Spain living a happy life.

You smiled when you saw the little baby in your arms squealing in happiness. You looked up to see your husband Allen next to you. You loved the bundle of joy in your arms for he was a testament to both of your arms. You then spoke the babies name B/N (A/N choose if you want a boy or girl and name them accordingly) Walker.

Your life was complete even if the Order was still trying to find you both. Johnny had made it impossible for anyone to be able to do so. You both lived a happy life with your baby, even if Allen was the 14th Noah. You loved him and you always would.

Love is infinite and comes in many forms, family, friends, and lovers all recieve love for who they are not for what they are. ~Lady Night

LN: I am so sorry it took me so ling to update! I had work and its near Christmas so going to the mall and buying presents!
PF: True but we will be free again soon enough on Christmas day!
Both: Happy Holidays!

My original work is only posted on Wattpad, no other websites have my consent for my work to be posted on it. I'm referring to They have taken my work with no prior consent or knowledge on my behalf. 

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