Lavi x Reader

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LN: Yo! Jello my ever loving fanboys and fangirls of D. Gray Man!
Allen: Miss Night....
LN: It is Lady Night you bean!
Allen: My name is Allen you baka author!
LN: *ignores* Hope ya enjoy this one shot and please request some stories!
Allen: Listen to me you potato!
LN: *SMIRKS* I am a potato! *continues fighting*

You walked down the road in your village, in fact this has been the whole case of your life. You walking down the road to pick herbs from he garden to create the remedies you sold as the town healer. Your h/l h/c hair was tied up in a braid. (Sorry if you have short hair.) Your e/c eyes sparkled lighting up your skin. You believed today would be like any other day, go to the garden, watch the elk go by and go back to create your remedies. You had no idea today was going to be different.

When you arrived at the garden you were surprised to see a young man with an eye-patch laying on the ground. He was sleeping, you giggled lightly when you noticed he had red hair, but his uniform made him look even more ridiculous. You let out another giggle and walked towards your herbs, you began to pick up the flowers and grasses needed for your remedies. You saw lavender and sage and you decided to pick them up as well for you loved to burn them for incense. Once you placed your hand in the lavender bush you felt something else inside. You picked it up only to see that it was glowing green.

You gasped at the beautiful green object that was in your hands, you felt a warm pulse enter your body and the object flew out of your palms and into your necklace. You let out another gasp and then you heard a voice. "So you are an accommodator of innocence."

*a few weeks have gone by*

You walked down the hallway of the Order after having arrived back home after a mission. You never knew that the day you met Lavi, your life would have changed so much. You and Lenalee were the best of friends, Allen was the person to joke with and remarkably enough Kanda didn't want to kill you....much. Lavi on the other hand you giggled remembering the idiotic bookman. He made you laugh and made you not miss your old life to much, he was possibly the only guy you would like. You stopped walking when you realized, .... you liked Lavi!

While you were in a daze, low and behold said guy bumps into you. While he steadies you, your face turned a shade of red, (A/N I would say purple, but my friends are asking me why purple? Yes, my friends help me out with these one shots, but they usually let me write my words down and like my crazy ideas even if they laugh at them.), you stuttered out an answer, "T-t-thank y-you L-lavi."

While you stuttered he let out a light laugh and asked, "Why the stutter Y/N?", he leaned down and you blushed as red as a tomato. "Hey Y/N?"


"This may make you punch me, but is it possible that you like me?"

After almost fainting and punching Lavi in the face, you let your hair cover your face and nodded your head. You heard silence and you wondered if Lavi would shoot you down, you felt tears begin to prick your eyes when all of a sudden you felt arms wrap around you. You looked up with big e/c eyes and stared into Lavi's green ones. He smiled and said, "Well I also like you Y/N."

You froze and then your face turned as red as a blazing inferno, and then Lavi leaned down and gave you a slow and sweet kiss on your lips. You smiled after the kiss and giggled when Lavi dragged you to the cafeteria to tell Allen and Lenalee that you were a couple now. Allen congratulated Lavi while Lenalee hugged you and told you that if Lavi ever hurt you, she would personally kill him for you. You laughed and spent the rest of the day with them, eating and laughing.

LN: Ahhh! I finished it! I was working on this in my math class and now I'm typing it in my English class.
Allen: I wasn't in this one much. *sulks*
LN: Allen it was a one shot of Lavi of course you wouldn't be mentioned.
Lavi: Author-chan, this is a nice story, but you could do better!
LN: I know I know! I'll try harder! *turns to reader* Please request!
Lavi: Ya, author-chan will write you guys stories!
LN: I don't even care if it involves a Noah x Exorcist, yaoi, lemon, angst, death, betrayal or anything else, but please request! I am available for the next 2 days! 

 Lavi: Author-chan, this is a nice story, but you could do better!LN: I know I know! I'll try harder! *turns to reader* Please request! Lavi: Ya, author-chan will write you guys stories!LN: I don't even care if it involves a Noah x Exorcist, yaoi,...

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