Krory x Reader * Soulmate*

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LN: 10 more to go. Enjoy! Next up is my last request that I have left to write. 

You sighed while walking into the dancehall, your black dress fluttering with the slight breeze coming in from the opened sliding doors, when you hear people begin to talk about the Count.

You roll your eyes and walk away from the judgemental men and woman who loved to gossip more than anything. You walked outside, into the garden where you heard a slight sniffle and sob. You looked over only to see a man, slightly crying, and you where surprised to see he was Arystar Krory, the Count.

You looked down at your clock and saw the timer hit 0, you smiled gently and walked towards him.

*time skip*

You smiled gently at your daughter and said, "That's how I met your father D/N."

Your daughter smiled and then yawned while her eyes fluttered closed, and she fell asleep. You smiled and stood up walking, to where your husband, your soulmate, was sitting.

The End

LN: I am trying to finish might have to push the deadline back, I have to go to work soon and then I must do hw... I have quite a few things to do. Sorry if this one seemed rushed, I am working on fumes, for the past few days my free time was filled with me doing hw and helping out my mother. In the past six days I have spents 32 hrs doing hw, I am mentally drained.

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