Kanda x Reader *Sisterly Love Part 2*

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LN: I'm surprised that people loved this little one shot but either way requested by reimunakata0609. Enjoy~~
PF: Hello fellow Scorpio friend~~

You had officially turned 12 years old and have watched how Kanda and Angel have grown slightly older, yet not change in terms of looks, you smiled and yelled out, "Oni-chan!!" 

Kanda turned around only to have you ram into him causing him to lose his balance, and Lavi to yell out, "Hey Yu, you alright?" 

Kanda looked up, more like he glared at Lavi and said, "Don't call me Yu!" 

You laughed and heard a smooth silky voice say, "Aww, but then what do I call you then dear brother?" You looked at Angel who stood at the end of the hallway, smirking at Kanda on the floor and she smiled and said, "Hello there Y/N~~" 

"Nee-san!" You had stood up and run over to her, while Kanda took out Mugen and threatened Lavi. 

Angel sighed and yelled out, "Yu Kanda, you let my fiance go with his life intact and not a scratch on him or else you will get it!!" 

You laughed and smiled while hugging your older sister Angel, life was great for your small little family of the Order, though you did sometimes get into arguments with the white haired bean sprout. 

*time skip*

You sighed you were 16 years old now and Timothy had asked you out on a date, you had already told Angel who was now happily married and expecting a child, but you hadn't told Kanda yet. You were afraid of how your big brother would react to you going on a date with Timothy, so when you asked Angel what to tell Kanda, she sighed and said, "Hope for the best and that he isn't threatened with Mugen, though he will have to run far away and for quite a while before Kanda gives up hunting him down and murdering him." 

You had paled but sucked it up and went into the meditation room only to see your brother Kanda staring you down saying, "You hesitated before coming in here... what did you do?" 

You flinched lightly and began your little plan to tell him, "Well Oni-chan, you know how you told me I couldn't go on a date unless you knew the boy beforehand...." and you stopped when you heard the tell tale sign of Mugen being unsheathed and Kanda saying in a low voice, "Who was it that asked you?" 


*Time skip to you running to save Timothy's life*

"Timothy, run for your life, my brother is going to kill you!!" You yelled this out while using your telekinetic powers to block Kanda's path, but for an older dude, he was able to dodge the obstacles easily.  

All the while, Timothy took the warning and began to run for his life to the only safe haven in the Order, the infirmary. 

Kanda had run to the infirmary, but before who could cause some serious damage to Timothy the head nurse came walking towards him and took his weapon and gave him and Timothy a good scolding. 

Kanda turned towards you and began to say that you weren't allowed to go on a date when Angel hit him upside the head with a huge 2000 page dictionary she happened to be carrying around at the moment, gave him a huge scolding and allowed you and Timothy to go on a date together. 

*time skip*

You sighed remembering your break up with Timothy, you both had been together for 2 years and now you were 18 years old and heartbroken. You ran to your older brother and older sister, who were having tea together in Angel's room, and threw your arms around Kanda who immediately held your bawling form to his and Angel stood up from her seat and walked over pulling you into her arms. Kanda looked ready to murder Timothy and said, "Where is the damned brat!!" 

Angel, on the other hand, said, "Oi you stay here Kanda and hold her, I will go find Timothy and give him a piece of my mind." With that said she walked out of the room while Kanda held your crying form to his, consoling you like the big brother he was to you and Angel. 

*time skip* 

You smiled lightly at your older siblings, well the red head who was standing at the end of the aisle in her beautiful green bridesmaid dress, while Kanda stood to your left walking you down the said aisle. After Timothy, you had met a young man named Aragon Night, who healed your broken and shattered heart. Unlike Timothy, Aragon was a gentleman and knew how to protect you and how to shower you with a soft and passionately warm love. He even stood up to Kanda when he tried to kill him with Mugen, but then again it might be because he was distantly related to Angel. Either way, you had been with him for a good 8 years before he asked you to marry him and you had said, "Yes." 

Kanda gripped your arm and whispered to you, "You have gotten older, and even though we aren't related by blood, I am glad to have gotten the chance to call you my little sister and watch you grow under my eye, I know that Angel feels the same as well, so Y/N I want you to live a good and happy life with Aragon and make sure to teach him who's boss if you have too." 

You smiled at him and when he handed you off to Aragon, he went to sit down by Karma's side, and you smiled at Aragon who turned you to face the priest after lightly kissing your hand. 

*time skip* 

It had been 10 years since you had gotten married at the age of 26, and now being 36 years old with 2 children, you were going to the cemetery to visit a grave. You smiled and looked down at the gravestone with the names printed on it showing little wear. You placed the flowers down and said, "Thank you for being the greatest older brother, and the best caretaker of a little-orphaned girl you met on a mission. You will always be in my heart Kanda." 

You turned and read the gravestone one last time before leaving... 

On the gravestone: 

Here lies Yu Kanda,

 Died at the age of 49

A beloved and caring husband and brother

xxxx- xxxx

LN: The End! Hope you all liked it!

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