Kanda X Depressed Reader

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LN: Ahhh depression my old friend! So this might trigger some peoples emotions so if it will affect you negatively then please don't read, you have been warned. I believe this was requested but since I don't have my request paper list with me I can't tag the person so if it was you who requested it just know that I typed it up after a long long time! 

Depression is one of the most dangerous or least likely to affect a person dramatically or not at all. In this case you the reader, either you let the depression take hold of you or you just push it away. Alright now, let us begin with the one shot. 


You sighed while picking up all of the paperwork that the science division personal had accidentally dropped in the hallway while being chased by Komrin, Komui had completely forgotten that Komrin had dropped all the papers in your hallway. You flinched when you heard a few voices coming down the hall, hearing the voices of the people who you had once called friends.  

You sighed and went to turn around when you heard a feminine voice immediately start to mention your name and you turned to see some female scientists, you flinched and hid behind a pillar and watched and they began to talk about you, " Y/N is nothing but a suck up."

"She doesn't even deserve her position as an exorcist! "

"Yeah, she used to be a scientist like us, and now look at her thinking she is all high and mighty!" 

You waited until they left when you moved out from behind the pillar and began to walk in the other direction, feeling your face become void of emotion, while you were thinking their words over in your mind, you hadn't even registered that Angel was yelling out your name and walking in your direction. 

When you saw a hand appear waving in front of your face, you came out of your thoughts and forced a smile onto your lips, and responded with a hello to your friend and partner. She looked concerned and then she asked if you were alright. 

You responded with your typical, "Yes, I am." 

She didn't look convinced, but before she could mention anything, her step-brother appeared and began to tell Angel about a meeting she had with Komui, but she asked him to accompany you to yours and his next destination. 

You sighed and began to overthink the words of your used to be friends and ex coworkers said about you in your head. It was not true, you weren't a suck up, and you did deserve the exorcist position just as much as the others, but it didn't mean that you didn't feel hurt over what they said about you. You sighed and began to feel sadness kick in when you hear Kanda say something.

You look up only to see Kanda staring at you and pointing towards Jerry, who was waiting for you to order your food. You blushed and order f/f (favorite food). You turned away and then you heard Kanda say, "It is your choice to allow their words to hurt you, and it is your choice and decision to also show them that you deserve your position as an exorcist.... Next time tell my sister what they said, she won't fight your battle , but she will help you overcome any sadness that you should not feel."

You blinked, it was the longest you ever heard Kanda speak and say something to you, you turned a slight red and thanked him. Walking away with a small smile and a new resolve, you weren't going to let those words get you down and hurt you.

The End.

LN: So I am sorry for not updating lately, but PF and I are in a well battle and let me tell you, I have had to deal with a whole lot of f*cking sh*t. So PF will no longer make any appearances in any of my stories. So let me tell you a bit about why she will no longer be involved with me or my fanfics... so we both have known each other for over 14 years and I always keep it real for her, we both go to college and she doesn't take it seriously, she fails most of her classes and she spends most of her time out and with her boyfriend. So I told her the truth, especially since she was so adamant that she wanted to leave and get out of community college, that she needed to start getting serious with her classes and start working on her art, to stop going out and bothering other people to go hang out with her and to grow a backbone because if she didn't she was going to flunk out of college and face the Dean and losing her finacial aid. Well she didn't take it well and told me I wasn't allowed to talk to her in that tone of voice, and I told her to fight her battles and not let her mother fight them for her because her mother took it upon herself to lecture me in a public place in front of random people and my brother about me being a hypocrite over the whole ordeal. For the first time in my life I felt disappointment, but not in myself, oh hell no I was sad and in tears that the woman I showed nothing but respect too would do something like that, she didn't even wait to speak to me alone, nope she did it in front of everyone.

I'm sorry for ranting, but I have had to deal with this and a whole lot of other disasters. Hopefully, I can update the requests I have waiting for me. Thank you all for reading my one shots, and I am so very sorry for the slow updates.

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