Kanda x Reader *Angst*

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LN: Sorry for the long wait, I have been busy, but here you guys go an update. Only 20 more chapters to go after this, and I am no longer taking requests. Enjoy.

You felt your eyes fill with tears as soon as you recieved the news. You looked down at the letter in your hands, seeing the words written on it.

I am sorry to tell you Y/N...

You continued reading what Allen had sent you in his letter. You felt your heart break into a million pieces when you read the last line in the letter.

Kanda is going behind your back and dating another person.

In the letter was a picture of Kanda kissing another female, one who was clearly not you. You choked back on a sob and threw the letter back onto the counter, when you heard two feminine voices appear at your side. Your best friends took one look at you, and brought their arms around you, hugging you to stifle the pain you felt in your heart.

You then heard the familiar voice of Angel, Kanda's step sister. You stiffened lightly only to see her look very worried for you. Your friends then asked what had happened to make you break down, you pointed to the letter, and you heard the three of them gasp and Angel mutter a few curse words at her brother, then she wrapped her arms around you.

"I am so sorry, Y/N, I didn't know!"

You just began to cry harder, and wrapped your arms around her waist only to later collapse on the floor, knowing that there was nothing you could do to stifle this pain, that you were feeling. Your heart had been torn out and stomped all over, until it was battered, bruised and destroyed all over. And then you worried how the next few months would be recieved when you would finally begin to show.

*time skip*

It had been a few days since you recieved Allen's letter and you had moved out of Kanda's room into one far away from him and near Allen's and Angel's instead. You sighed and noticed Angel making her way towards you, sending you signs with her hands telling you to go back, before it was too late.

You were about to respond when you finally saw why she had been telling you this, Kanda and his group was back... along with the girl who Kanda had been kissing. You froze and felt what little that had been left of your heart, shatter in that one moment. You felt sick feeling your stomach lurch, but you remained still.

You saw Allen, Angel, and Lavi make their way towards you, while Kanda was busy with the girl, and block you from his view. You felt someone grab ahold of your arm and begin to take you away from the scene. You looked to see both Angel and Allen dragging you away from the scene, but you felt detached from it all, as if it was a stranger in your place, watching and seeing all of this happen.

*time skip*

It had been four months since you and Kanda had broken up, and while you heart still hurt whenever you thought of him, you were starting to move on from him. Unfortunately your condition had also begun to show, you remembered that before all of this happened you had been happily waiting for Kanda to arrive home to tell him the news, only for it to be destroyed by his cheating ass.

You didn't leave your room often, but Jerry recieved your food orders and made either Allen or Angel take them up to you. Komui had learned of your condition and often sent the head nurse to check on you and put you on hold for any missions. Angel helped you out, every morning and night, making sure you had plenty of exercise and were eating well enough. Until finally you were at the brink of your ninth month and you felt your water break.

You had your baby safe and sound, and Kanda still had no idea you had been pregnant with his child. You weren't abput to tell him either, he didn't deserve to be in his childs life when he ruined it oh so willingly by being with another woman.

You had begun working in the science division whenever you could, when the Millennium Earl had finally been defeated. The Order had been disbanded and you had returned to your hometown.

*time skip to a few years*

Kanda's POV

I walked around the village, looking to see if I could just find her and have her take me back. I realized so long ago that I should have never left her the way I did, all just for some fling with another woman. Though I was too late I hoped she hasn't moved on from me.

I felt a small person bump into me and just when I looked down with a scowl on my face, I froze seeing long indigo colored hair on a small girl with beatiful e/c eyes, your eyes. The small girl flinched and stepped back from me apologizing when I heard a familiar voice. The little girl turned away from me and yelled out, "Daddy!! Mommy!!"

I looked to see the bean sprout holding a small basket and Y/N holding a small bundle in her arms. I felt my breathing stop when the small girl hid behind the bean sprouts legs, while staring at me. I then heard a light gasp and saw you looking at me, with slight fear and then finally a look of dismall acceptance.

You turned towards Allen and placed a small kiss on his cheek and he grabbed ahold of your waist and hugged you to his body, then he released yond grabbed ahold of your waist while your daughter grabs ahold of your dress, and you continue on your way home.

I sighed and realized, yes I did deserve this after all it wasn't you who had cheated on me, but I on you. I turned around and left the village behind me, leaving behind the only woman I truly loved and a child I didn't know I even had.

LN: Welp that is the end of that one shot! Enjoy.


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