Kanda X Reader *Sisterly Love*

687 22 16

LN: Yo! Lets get agoing!!
Allen:She's back!

You flinched back and ran for your life, you couldn't remember the last time you ever did this, but you couldn't know that this was the beginning of a new life for you for when you thought you were about to die. All of the akuma guns were pointed in your direction and before they could go off you heard explosions and saw a female and a male run towards you... well more like the female was running towards you. The male was to busy fighting off the weird creatures with a sword... at least you thought he was a guy, but he had long indigo, blue hair, the female had long red hair and her eyes were a pretty green and she picked you up like you were a small doll, but then again you were only 4 years old and probably weighed less than a bag of potatos.

The male had finished off the group of akuma while the female held you in her arms, you felt your tears fall down and stain her black shirt, while the male yelled out, "Angel! Why the hell did you run off you idiotic sister of mine!!"

The woman almost immediately held you closer to her and said, "Kanda... I ran to save this child, you idiotic brother of mine!", and she hit him with her bag, while holding you and then the guy just looked at you and said, "Che, hey brat where are your parents?"

You felt tears begin to prick your eyes again and said in a small voice, "My mommy and daddy are dead...." Both of their eyes widened or at least you thought so in the case of Kanda's eyes, but Angel softly held you to her and said, "Well then who killed them?"

You gestured behind you and pointed to what was left of the akuma. "Do yoy know why?" You looked at her and said, "They said something about wanting my eyes...."

They both looked at you and the guy said, "She may have innocence, we might as well just take her with us."


The female turned towards you and said, "So sorry about my idiotic brother of mine, he is a sword weilding maniac, ..." you giggled and waited for her to continue, "...by the way my name is Angel Night and that guy who is glaring at me is Yu Kanda, my step-brother. So what's your name and how old are you?"

You smiled at them both and said, "My name is Y/N L/N, and I'm 4 years old!"

Angel smiled at you and asked, "Do you want to come with us?" You nodded your head and ran towards Kanda wrapping your arms around his leg and giggling while Angel smiled lightly and Kanda glared at you, but you were only 4 years old and Kanda couldn't really do anything to hurt you without facing the consequences of hurting your feelings, aka getting hurt by Angel to the point that he might die and also because you were a little angel.

*time skip*

You were 6 years old now and Kanda was meditating in his room while you watched with your head in a book,  Angel, your big step sister was writing in a journal, when Kanda finally gave up and growled at Angel asking why both of us were in his room.

You giggled and ran towards your big step brother and threw your arms around his waist while he bent down and picked you up, and you laughed hugging him around his neck and Angel just said, "Well Kanda, Y/N wanted to spend more time with you and I watch over her so I came along."

You giggled and said, "Oni-chan, One-chan!! Lets go and eat in the cafeteria!"

Kanda grumbled about not being left alone while Angel smirked because you had Kanda wrapped around your little finger and he carried you to the cafeteria where Jerry made you all some food. After a while, Angel left saying something about going to go and help the science division and you looked at Kanda.

"Che, what do you want to do little brat."

You giggled and said "Train and beat the beansprout in fighting!!"

Kanda smirked and said, "That's my little sister."

All the while Angel smirked at the sight she just saw and walked to Komui's room, to help the science division to get their signatures for the paperwork.

All the while you had thrown Allen into a wall using your innocences ability of telokenises.

The End
Part 2 anyone?

LN: First update!

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