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I looked over at Carlos; one of the most beautiful men I've ever set my eyes on. His skin was  this creamy olive color and his eyes were light blue. He had this unique trail of freckles over his nose. I usually don't have a thing for white guys, but technically speaking he's Puerto Rican. He was so tall and handsome, but also quiet and shy. Something about him gives me a sense of danger and lust.

"Niyah!" Mr. Jones yelled focusing my attention back on him. "Am I disrupting your day dreaming?"

"Just a little" I replied. He rolled his eyes and continued to teach the lesson.

I quickly focused my attention back onto my teacher. I felt bad for fantasizing about other men for some reason.

The school's fire alarm then began to go off. Everyone quickly began to look at each other. We're used to school lock downs all the time due to fist fights but fire alarms? Nooo since when? That was sarcasm by the way.

We all began to walk out of the school when I heard a teacher screaming my younger sister's name. I quickly ran to the voices and saw  my younger sister, Monroe getting jumped my two girls.

My heart began to race and I felt my fist began to ball up. Without thinking, I quickly ran in jumping into the fight. Staff quickly began to pull us back but I just dragged the girl by her hair with me. The staff then yanked my hand off of her and I fell to the ground. Monroe quickly helped me up wiping the blood from her lip.

"In school now!" I heard the principle yell angrily as a staff grabbed both of us by the arms.

I sat in the principle's office waiting for her to arrive.

"Isn't the school supposed to be fire or something?" I asked a staff member angrily.

"Shut your mouth" he replied. I rolled my eyes impatiently waiting.

The principle finally walked in and sat down at her desk. I suddenly felt a little scared.

"Monroe, I'm tired of seeing you in my damn office, you're suspended for the week. You can't return unless you bring a parent." She said silencing my thoughts about what happens now.

"That's not fucking fair! She started it with me them hoes jumped me." Monroe replied.

"Watch your mouth Monroe! I'm not the one! And what isn't fair is that I can't have one simple fire drill without you doing something stupid. Now you're dismissed, call your momma to bring you home in the front office."

Monroe stormed out the room purposely knocking down a stack of papers as she left.

"And as for you. What's your name again?" She asked frustrated.

"Niyah." I replied.

"Right.. Niyah. I've never expected to see you in my office. You're one of my few honor roll students. Why are you sitting in my office Niyah?"

"You know wh-"

"No! Why are you sitting in my office Niyah?" She asked interrupting me. "You're here because you decided into jump into a fight that didn't involve you."

"It did involve me!"

"No, it involved your sister, Monroe. She gets into these types of things all time, why would you let her include you?"

"This wasn't something that was planned. It just happened."

"Ha. Not the first time I heard that. These little girls coming in here all the time telling me they're knocked up by some little boy in this school."

She began as walking and picking up the papers my sister had knocked over.

"Monroe is going to end up like one of them unless she has someone like you in her life to help her through this rough stage in her life. Most of these girls never get out of that stage, they get stuck in it; trapped. Don't let her drag you down too, this may just seem like a simple fight but it can turn into so much more. Do you think these girls are just going to let this go? No they're not. You need to stay humble and graceful and be the one who helps her out of this, not get stuck in this with her... You're suspended for 3 days bring a parent with you once the suspension is over or else you will not be le- your sister knows the drill just ask her."

I brought my head down knowing that she was right. She might be old and snobby but she's also wise and smart, someone I should listen to.

"Why are you still sitting in my office?" She asked. I quickly got up and walked out feeling a shamed but also responsible for my sister's actions in a way.

I've learned a lesson today, no not from the shitty teachers that are so called supposed to enlighten and teach us but from the principle.


Hi hi! I'm so happy to see all of these continuous readers  on my books. But I gotta warn yall I post quick so I might go back to a couple chapters and add something or delete typos lol. But thank you for reading I hope you're enjoying 😘😘😘

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