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When it's two against one you can't help but to feel like you're suffocating, you fight your best fight but in the end you'll always lose. 

"I knew she was going to talk to her friends or family and change her mind!" His mom yelled.

"You ain't gonna go no where with my fucking daughter you dumb bitch! You're ruining everything!" DeAndre added.

"I don't have to do shit I don't want to do! Every other day you're threatening to kick me out of a house that isn't yours! And I'm supposed to give full custody to you why so you can beat on my daughter like you beat on me?! You got me fucked up! I would never EVER be that fucking stupid!" I yelled to DeAndre as walking up the steps as his mom held him back. She sat and talked to him in the kitchen for about 20 minutes before sending him upstairs to me, he walked into our room with a grin on his face as I fed our daughter. I rolled my eyes, I knew that they were plotting and up to something. But it was okay, I had plans of my own. I am going to work my ass off and save up enough money for me and my daughter to have a place of our own, I can't take being around or living with him anymore. Every other day it was something different, one second he loved me and the next he despised me but it didn't matter anymore because I was really starting to hate him!

The next day everything had calmed down for the most part, I wasn't sure what I was going to do at that very moment. I felt like everyone was against me and they were but that wasn't the point I had things to get done. Our daughter's 2 month appointment was coming up and she needed to get her shots, DeAndre's mom had offered to put our daughter on her's and DeAndre's insurance plan a couple of weeks ago and I agreed, but usually it only takes a couple days before you get an update on whether or not it was accepted and everytime I had asked her about it her response was always "I don't know." So, I took it apon myself to put our daughter on my insurance so she would be able to get her shots and DeAndre and I wouldn't have to come out of pocket.

"So I'm just going to put her on our's so there won't be any issues at her appointments and we won't have to reschedule or anything." I said to DeAndre as changing our daughter's diaper.

"What?! Why would you do that!?" He replied.

"I just told you why, is there an issue?" 

"Yeah! You're always trying to fucking change something at last minute! Did your mom tell you to do this to?!"

"DeAndre stop yelling around our daughter I'm trying to put her to sleep" I said as laying her next to me.

"Get the fuck out?!" 


"GET. OUT!" I chuckled. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" DeAndre yelled as grabbing me by my arms then wrist.

"Get off of me DeAndre! You're fucking hurting me!" I cried as the baby's eyes shot open staring at the both of us. "Please!" I cried. 

It was like he wasn't hearing a word I was saying, he just continued to violently tug and pull on my arm and wrist. He eventually got me off the bed and dragged me out of the room, slamming the door behind him. 

"DeAndre! Let me get our daughter!" I cried at the door as I heard banging inside of the room he then swung open the door and pushed me into the bathroom. "DeAndre look at what you're doing! Stop!" I cried. He grabbed onto my wrist and slammed them above my head and then began to choke me. Muffled cries escaped my lips and after a few seconds I couldn't breathe. I began to try to push DeAndre off of me as wiggling and moving my body attempting to escape from his grip. More seconds had passed before he finally let go and I let in a deep breath finally able to breathe. Tears streamed down my face but all I wanted was my daughter I was afraid that we was going to throw something inside that room and hurt her.  When he's blinded by rage all he sees is red and doesn't realize what he did until it's done and too late to take back. I needed to get my daughter and I didn't care if I had to walk outside with no shoes on my feet as long as I had her in my arms. His mom then called and he answered yelling and screaming at her about me.

"Please just let me get her!" I cried.

DeAndre then punched me in my face so hard that I fell to the ground. I felt like I couldn't breathe, my head was pounding and my heart was racing. DeAndre then ran down the steps on the phone with his mom crying and yelling "I hit her!" I hurried and grabbed our daughter from out of the room, I also grabbed my phone and phone charger. I quickly plugged it up in his mom's room and locked me and my daughter in. Tears streamed down my face as I held onto her for dear life, praying and praying that my phone would turn on. It finally did and I quickly called my mom screaming for help, she called the cops and DeAndre began to bang on the door.

"GIVE ME MY FUCKING DAUGHTER!" He screamed. I cried even harder as holding her and rocking back and forth I felt like I was going crazy. I thought he was going to kill both of us.

He then broke the door down and came into the room grabbing my daughter from out of my hands.

It felt like my life was ripped from me.

♥ ♥ ♥

And that is a wrap for this book! Please keep a look out for 'More Mixed Girl Problems' coming out ASAP! Let me know your thoughts & feelings on this book and give me a vote ! Love ya ♥

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