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🌹 3 Months Later 🌹

It's now December and I'm not even excited about Christmas I just can't wait for my next OBGYN appointment. I'm ready to see the baby again, I need some light in my life.

I've been so stressed lately and my life feels like it's falling apart. I've been missing school a lot due to feeling so sick and ill. The lights in my school and all the constant talking hurts my head so badly. It's hard for me to get through a school day without a headache and/or throwing up.

Me and DeAndre have been doing amazing. He's been focusing on school and trying to build a better life for himself and our child. He's excited about finding out what the gender of the baby is, we've already been talking about names. By now my entire family knows I'm pregnant, they're disappointed but supportive. All of my friends also know, I had to eventually explain my morning, afternoon, and evening sickness.

Everyone around me had so many different reactions to my pregnancy. My curious teachers who some how found out are all very judgmental. They look at me differently now and are constantly on my back about everything. If it weren't for my friends and DeAndre's family making me happy and find the light in my pregnancy I'd be a wreck.

I've even enrolled in a pregnancy class at my school. It really does take a village when it comes to the things needed to raise a child. I've gotten so much support there and a lot of much needed information. I think I'm finally looking forward to being a mom.

I looked over at Carlos who was flirting with some ho. I smiled at them when he caught me looking. I know that he's clearly trying to make me jealous and I'm not falling into that trap. In all honesty I'm not jealous, just disappointed that he's stooping so low to make me feel any emotion for him.

I sat at lunch with my friends crushing Doritos into my salad, it taste a lot better than it sounds. Carlos then came and sat next me, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder making everyone at the table raise their eyebrows.

Rose made a face at me trying to figure out what's going on between me and Carlos.

I quickly took Carlos' arm from off my shoulder as nervously smiling.

"Sooo this weather huh?" I said as nervously smiling.

Carlos then kissed my cheek and walked away.

"We're just friends!" I said breaking the silence.

"Friends with benefits" Rih said as laughing. I rolled my eyes.

"Why is he still here? I thought he dropped out" Layla said as laughing.

"Where there's a will there's a way" Rose added.

I nodded agreeing.

"He's been in my classes and everything. It's kinda creepy" I replied.

"He's a creep. A cute creep." Persuasion said making everyone laugh.

"I hate you guys" I said as laughing.

After school I sat outside waiting for DeAndre's mom to pick me up. I couldn't wait to get to his house and see him.

As she pulled up Carlos came behind me hugging me tightly as kissing my cheek.

"Stop!" I snapped. "My boyfriend's mom is right the fuck there. You're getting too clingy Carlos."

"I'm sorry beautiful, I ain't mean to upset you." He replied as letting go of me.

I quickly walked ago and got into his mom's car.

"Who's that?" She asked as staring at Carlos.

"Just a friend." I replied as smiling.

Once I got to DeAndre's I found him flirting with some girl on the phone.

"Who's that?" I asked curiously.

"Hazel." He replied as chuckling.

I nodded and then walked into his room slamming the door behind me. He walked in continuing to talk on the phone with her.

"You're so sexy" He said making me smile. I turned around and realized he was talking to her and not me. I quickly stood up and smacked the phone out of his hand.

He stood up and picked his phone up from off the ground. He pushed past me and walked out of the room as continuing his conversation.

I followed behind him and statched the phone from out of his hand and hung up on Hazel. I then threw his phone on the floor not hesitating. I saw the anger building inside of him which put a chill down my spine.

He quickly pushed past me and I folded my arms as he picked up his now cracked phone.

"You shouldn't have been talking to that whore." I said as shrugging.

Me and him then got into a huge argument. But then I stopped when I began to have cramps.

I walked into the bathroom with an overwhelming feeling that I had to go pee. I wiped and saw blood all over my hands.

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